𝙾𝚞𝚛 𝚅𝚎𝚛𝚢 𝙵𝚒𝚛𝚜𝚝 𝙽𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝

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Allison is sitting in her room reading Little Women, Blake had ran out to get a movie from the video store that they could watch in her room tonight. This was the first night where either Jesse or Joey would be left to watch the girls alone for bed time. So Allison and Blake just decided to keep to themselves and watch movies in her room since it was obvious that something was going to go wrong.

"Alli!" Stephanie exclaimed as she ran into her oldest sisters room

"What's up Stephy?" Allison asked closing her book

"Come tell us a bedtime story with Daddy, Uncle Jesse, and Joey!" Stephanie said already trying to pull the teen out of her bed

"Ok, ok I'm coming. Hey, when did you get so strong?" Allison asked as Stephanie practically manhandled her out of her bed pushing her into the hallway

"I workout babe." Stephanie said shrugging making Allison laugh

Stephanie rushed into her and DJ's room and jumped into DJ's bed getting comfortable under the covers as Allison walked over and sat on Jesse's lap who welcomed her with open arms, wrapping them around her small waist and kissing her cheek.

"Ok, now that Alli is here. Start the story Uncle Jesse." Stephanie said

"Alright guys, help me out here." Jesse said

"We'll make it to a game. Steph, you start the story and you girls point to us when you want someone else to take over." Joey said

"Ok. Once upon a time there was a pretty girl named Cinderella. Daddy." Stephanie says and points to Danny

"And uh..Cinderella wanted to go to this big fancy ball. And on the way she wandered into this cabin,and she fell alsleep in papa bear's bed." Danny said

"I don't think so." Stephanie shook her head

"No wait honey, it gets better. She is on the bed,out like a light. When all of a sudden...." Danny said

"Gggg! Alli!" Stephanie said

"Ok, all of the sudden a very handsome prince walked through the door. And the prince thought that Cinderella was so gorgeous that he just had to ask her to the dance." Allison said

"Gggg! Joey!" Stephanie said

"Um.. after accepting the Prince's offer,she was real thirsty. So she went to a Seven-Eleven and got a Slurpee where...she ran into Bullwinkle. Bullwinkle said "Hello Cinderella. I know you have already accepted the Prince's offer to attend the dance with him. But, would you like to come to the ball with me, instead? Not only am I a great dancer but you can hang your coat on my antlers." Kids love this stuff. So..." Joey said

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