prologue: the boy who died

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Soo yeah…. Harry lost….. what a shocker. At this point it really felt as if the universe was against him. How was he to know that Volde had set up killing hexes in the event of his death?

Well now there wasn't any turning back because, surprise surprise, Everyone was dead. The whole of the wizarding community crumbled along with the Hogwarts castle behind harry. A long lasting reminder of his failures.

Sure he killed Voldemort but what did it cost? He imagined a tall purple man say "everything" before shaking the thought from his mind. Now was no time to be day dreaming.

Or maybe it was. He was feeling offly tired. All this speak about defeating Voldemort and the prophecy was really wearing him down. And maybe the giant hole in his stomach had a little bit to do with it.


Still the pain in his side was nothing compared to the tears of sorrow running down his cheeks. Ron, Hermione, Neville…..ginny. he let all of them down because he wasn't strong enough.

He was so sorry. About everything. About dragging them into this mess. But he knew that wouldn't fix it. A sorry was too late now for them. They didn't deserve any of it, but Harry dragged them along anyway.

He turned to his now slowly breathing girlfriend. Ginny. She looked so beautiful even in dust and debris. If he could have one more moment with her, he'd be happy. One more "I love you" before the end.

But alas, he could feel her life dwindling as he wrapped an arm around her one final time, embracing her small figure in his broken one. She seemed to unconsciously respond and hug him back a bit, a tear falling from her eyes, before going limp and lifeless.

Harry felt himself die on the inside after that. Not able to scream because of his lungs beginning to soak in blood.

In the end, no one got what they wanted. Voldemort died, Harry lost all his friends and family, and now it was the end of the road. Nowhere further to go….

The green light of Harry's eyes dwindled with each passing second. His will was getting weaker and his desire to go to sleep rising as he nodded off a few times.

"Crap. I'm sorry everyone…...I failed…." Harry thought to himself in a somber tone l, the last of his light beginning to flicker away as he looked to the elder wand.

It lay just In his reach as He had an amusing thought. Now that he had the stone and cloak in his pocket, he had all 3 hallows in his possession. He just needed to grab the wand.

But even if he did, would that do anything? It didn't, the last time he held all the hallows but…. He needed to try at least. His hand reached for it slowly, the sleepiness and pain stifling his movements as he grabbed it and held it as tight as he could muster

  A great thunder in the distance sounded as his eyes widened

Was this it?

Was he really going to be able to survive and become the master of death?

He braced for impact as a black figure in the sky neared him, reading to be Healed at any moment aaaand. *Plop*.

Oh… it was just a raven….mmm.

"That was anticlimactic" he thought, disappointment leaking through his face as he thought about really letting go and going to be with his family in the afterlife. It was about time.

That's when he heard an ominous sound from above.

What the hell?

At first one raven showed up, then 10, then 50 and then 100 and soon the sky was nothing but a shrieking mass of blackness, descending in front of Harry who clutched the elder wand in his hand, though his grip was weakening.

The ravens parted away to reveal something only a dementors could love.

In front of Harry stood a 10 foot tall humanoid creature with gaunt fingers and raven wings sprouting from his back. He wore a white cloak over himself that also masked his face as Harry instantly recognized it.


it reached for Harry, who had no more strength to be scared or surprised as he shrugged, knowing he was gonna die anyways, and simply gave in and let go of his body.

The next few moments were fuzzy but Harry could see snippets of weird intangible space and what had to be illusionary spaces. There was no way an eye could be bigger than a sun right?

In no time at all, Harry felt like he did the first time he'd been apperated, as he felt a wave of weirdness come over him and make him squirm. He looked down and saw he was sitting on a chair.

A red chair that contrasted a lot with the white corporeal space he stood in. After looking at the chair and wondering where he was, he looked up to see death, kneeling before him.

"The master of death. Keeper of the hallows. What was it you have beckoned me for." It said in a whispering voice. Harry stared, awe struck and unable to speak as his mind went racing.

Wait….that worked!? Well obviously he wanted it to work, but he never really thought it would happen.

"Ahem." Harry cleared his throat and began to think of a response. "Uhmmmm… where-where am I?" He tried, wanting to get a grasp of what this place was.

"You are in my home" it answered

"Home…. 'It sure is empty' he thought to himself nervously as a sweat bead dropped from his head.

"Can I… can I go back?" Harry asked as death looked to him.

"Go back. You want to return to the land of the living? Why?" It asked as Harry rubbed his neck.

"I...well I really don't want everyone to die, at least not like they did So… can I like ...revive them?" Harry asked hesitantly.

Death shook its head no as Harry's expression dimmed slightly. " Ok then…." Harry sighed, trying to think of something. of he couldn't resurrect anyone, what could he possibly do? time turner?

actually….maybe! but….nah it was a stupid idea…..well there was no harm in asking right?

"Can you bring me back in time so that I can save my friends?" He asked firmly, chuckling inside his head.

What kind of being can send people back in time, but not revive them-?

"-certainly. Well get you prepped right away."

"Haha yeah. I figured as mu- wait what?" harry paused, a little to late as deaths hands radiated strange, loud, magical energy

"You will retain some side effects but they shouldn't be too bad." it said over the magic as harry made a face of genuine worry.

"Side effects!? Just hol-"


Death scratched it's head, wondering if Harry had something more to ask….. surely not! He was the master of death after all. Who could be as prepared as that guy?

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