chap. 7

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It was early in the morning when an energetic knock woke up the female from her deep slumber.

"Hello? Anyone there? Y'know i still got more things to deliver!"

An annoyed voice spoke from outside, while continuously hitting the door of the small house. (y/n) groaned and pressed her face against the big pillow that was resting on her bed, before slowly sitting up.

Her back hurt from the strange position she slept in, causing her to pause in her movements for a moment. She also noticed that the sun wasn't even up, since she didn't close the curtains last night.

And even after stretching she didn't feel better due to the now angry voice that kept getting louder and louder. 'It's so early in the morning..'


The man in front of the door scanned the girl with slightly furrowed brows, immediately noticing her clothing that was quite different from the one that was usually worn in Liyue Harbor.

He let out a sigh, before fixing the hat that was resting on top of his blonde hair. A smile broke his face, just as if he wasn't madly angry at her a few seconds ago.

"You received some letters and packages from Mondstadt, Ma'am"

(y/n) let out a curious hum, quickly taking the mail from the mailman before thanking him with a short smile. Just as she was about to close the door, she heard the man mumble something while shaking his head, before taking the cart that contained few packets and letters. "Took her long enough.. do people in Mondstadt not have mailmen?"

She closed the door, a quiet laugh escaping her before she let out a long yawn.

'No, we people in Mondstadt just have something that's called a mailbox'


"I wonder what this is about..", (y/n) mumbled to herself as she sat down on her bed, while holding the letters from her hometown in her hands.

Not wasting any time, the female quickly snatched the one on top and opened it, her eyes meeting the familiar handwriting of her older brother.

Dear (y/n),

How's your stay in Liyue so far? I hope your companions are treating you right.
Anyhow, I know that you are probably quite busy with forging that weapon, aren't you?

Nevertheless, I hope I can bother you with a small favor of mine, though I suppose it is fine if you don't find time to do it.

It has come to my ears that in Liyue there's a certain wine, Cassia Wine to be exact. It is also known as Osmanthus Wine, as far as I know. If possible, please bring a sample of it back home. Thank you.

I'm awaiting your return, (y/n)
With Love,

A small signature -ragnvindr-, written with scarlett red ink, rested at the bottom of the old paper. (y/n)'s lips tugged into a small smile, as she folded the letter back to its previous state.

A short rush of happiness flowed through her body, as she put the first letter away. The girl felt happy to receive letters from her friends and family, since she had already slightly started to miss her home.

'Osmanthus Wine.. I bet all my Mora that Zhongli has mentioned that once before'

She shrugged her shoulders, silently noting to ask the Archon the next time she got to see him again- which was probably later today, since the man checked up on her pretty often.

(y/n) quickly shook her head, turning her attention to the second (and last) letter she got. Other than Dilucs letter, this one had a messy handwriting and small baron bunnies drawn all over it.

Hi (y/n)!!

I hope you're doing well out there! It has just been a short amount of time since you left, but not a day passes that Captain Kaeya doesn't complain about 'missing his dear little sister'!! Sometimes i really forget that Master Diluc and you two are siblings

It looked like Amber had drawn a small happy baron bunny at the end of those words. (y/n) couldn't help but laugh a little, before continuing to read.

Talking about Kaeya, he told me to tell you this:

'Hey (y/n), I don't really have time to write you an own letter, but I'm sure you don't mind. Anyway in the small package you (hopefully) got, is a moonpie i stole from Donna. I swear this is what heaven tastes like. Diluc really is a goat for rejecting her, isn't he? Imagine we could eat infinite moonpie if she'd be part of our family. So uncool. Nevertheless, stay safe. With lots and lots of love, your better brother Kaeya'

I had a serious headache remembering those words... Either way!! I really hope you're enjoying yourself in Liyue and even though you're there for work, have fun!!! Everyone really misses you

Hope you return safely!
Love, Amber

(y/n) smiled before grabbing the small package that Kaeya had mentioned in his part of the letter.

There was in fact moonpie inside of it, though pretty squished from the journey, she discovered after opening said package. The girl decided to try it later, since she didn't feel like eating at the moment.

And then with a yawn, she jumped back into her big bed and cuddled herself into the thin blankets, slowly drifting back to sleep.

After all, the sun wasn't even out yet.


Maybe (y/n) is a little too loved by all, but that's okay right? o.o

also there isn't happening a lot of action in this book, i'm so sorry i forgot to mention that!!

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