chap. 8

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While wandering through the lively streets of Liyue, (y/n) scratched the back of her head, quietly groaning.

Should she continue collecting the recourses for Xiao's weapon? Or ask someone to hang out? Or maybe she could even explore Liyue a little on her own?

The girl kicked a few small stones around while walking, also asking herself what Xiao was doing at the very moment since he was supposed to help her with her work.


She turned around, as Hu Tao grabbed her shoulders from behind with a warm smile. "Good morning, Hu Tao", she slightly returned her smile.

The Wangsheng Funeral Parlor's Director patted (y/n)'s back, her red eyes burning through her skin as they continued walking along the street.

"I'm bored", Hu Tao slightly whined after complaining about her work, to which (y/n) hummed.

"You could help me pick some souvenirs for my friends in Mondstadt, if you want to", she suggested, making her friend grin widely.


"You like wine?", Hu Tao peeked over (y/n)'s shoulder, tilting her head at the different kinds of wine that were lined up in front of them.

It's been a few hours now, since they started 'shopping' (in which Hu Tao had resisted that her work could wait).

(y/n) now carried a small bag in her left hand, that contained the various presents for her friends in Mondstadt:

For Amber she had picked out a pair of handmade leather gloves, since the girl had complained multiple times already that hers were worn out and full of holes.

Kaeyas present was a new eyepatch (from the same shop as the gloves). To this day, (y/n) still wondered why her brother owned a collection of various eyepatches under his bed. On top of that she bought him a small perfume bottle, that she thought smelled nice.

She didn't really know what to get for Venti since he technically could get anything he wanted, so she got him a GeoArchon-Figure made out of clay, just to tease him.

And lastly, Dilucs present. (y/n) genuinely had no idea what he would want, so she just went to Liyues Wine shop with Hu Tao to get the Cassia Wine he asked for.

"Your brother is an alcoholic?"

"Not really, he owns a wine industry and asked me to buy this"

Hu Tao tilted her head, closely inspecting the wine bottle in her hands while (y/n) payed at the counter.

The gentle sound of a bell rang, as the two of them left the wine shop. (y/n) nodded to herself, visibly happy with the result of her shopping time.

Wind blew hairstrands out of the girls faces, causing a small smile to appear on Hu Taos face. She let out a quiet sigh, before turning to her friend.

"We should meet more often!", the girl hummed, fiddling with her fingers behind her back.

"It's so lonely and boring here, you know? Nobody every hangs out with me", she whined, looking at (y/n) with her round eyes to which she answered with a short laugh.

"I almost forgot, this is for you Hu Tao"

(y/n) dropped a small package into the other girls pale hands, to which she responded with a curious gaze.

"I have to go already.. but let's meet again soon, okay?", (y/n) grinned, making Hu Tao nod in agreement.

And with a last wave, the blacksmith ran off to her house.

It was almost evening already, since the two of them spent a lot of time wandering through the city. The sun barely made her way through the clouds by now.

With an almost unnoticeable smile, Hu Tao slowly opened the gift she just got.

It's been a while since she last received a present from someone.

A rush of happiness flowed through her body as soon as she saw the small bracelet inside, making her squeal a little in excitement.

The jewelry wasn't really detailed, but it was made out of some leather strips and had a scarlet red stone sitting on top of it. Hu Tao grinned widely and put it on her left arm.

She shortly looked at the corner where (y/n) had disappeared and silently thanked her friend.


If you have any wishes or ideas for this book, please let me know <3 (i beg u)

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