Theater Isn't Stupid

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"It is not stupid, Max! Don't be so touchy!"

This is the sound that was being heard all throughout Camp Campbell. David and Gwen decided that it was time to have a theater camp, which made Preston thrilled. Everyone else however was just bored with it after ten minutes. Everyone was made to vote on what kind of play they wanted to do and after the results were counted, it turns out the votes were 1 for Hamilton remade and...nothing else. Everyone just put in a blank piece of paper. Max was not having any of this and just wanted to blow something up, but no. He had to take part in it. Everyone did. No one was really happy about it though

"Why do I have to wear a dress?! And why does it have to be PINK?!" Nikki yelled. "Why can't I be one of the soldiers?"

"Come on kids. This should be fun!" David said trying to stay positive. "David, you say that during every activity and only the kid who likes it is excited" Gwen responded. "Also, I don't think the other campers will be pleased to know they'll be at this for at least two hours and forty minutes". David just smiled nervously at this...hopefully the kids wouldn't be able to tell. Maybe they'd even have fun! Or maybe the could shorten it a bit?


About an hour later, the second half of the play had started. Max thought he was gonna loose his mind. He was playing some character named John Laurens, but died in act 1. Now he was in act 2 and would be playing Alexander Hamilton's son. His "parents" in the play were Nerris, who was playing Eliza Schuyler, and Preston, who was playing Alexander Hamilton. One good thing had come out of this though. When Nikki, Nerris and Ered had come out to do their song as the Schuyler Sisters, Nikki had ripped up her dress so it looked more rugged. She'd also purposefully spilled black ink in different spots all over the pink fabric. When she came out singing, the shocked look on Preston's face was all that was needed to make Max laugh. The entire first act he was in a lot, so having that to laugh at was all worth it. Most of the people here were on stage performing the song "What'd I Miss?", and then Max got the idea to escape...

He would easily be seen if he just ran off stage, and there was no back way out. So he could sneak out through the others making it seem like he was a background dancer. Quickly once this opportunity happened, Max got through everyone and off the stage. After a bit of running, right as Max was about to get into his cabin, someone grabbed his arm. "What do you think you're doing?!"

Max screamed and turned around, only to see the person who grabbed his arm while yelling was Preston. "JEEZ. WHAT THE HECK?! YOU TRYING TO SCARE ME HALF TO DEATH?!" Max yelled back. Preston just rolled his eyes and said "What's your damage, Max? Theater isn't as stupid as you think. Even play rehearsal can be fun". Play rehearsal. Ha! To Max, that was even more stupid than being in an actual play. "What makes you so excited about theater anyway?"

Preston looked at Max as if Max had snakes coming out of his ears. "I can't believe you just asked me that! Everything about theater is exciting! Speaking of, you should get back. We both should since we're almost on again". Max rolled his eyes. "You can go back. I'm not". As max tried to walk away, Preston moved and stood right in front of him. "...Move." was all Max said. He kept trying to walk around, but Preston kept moving to block him. "No matter how hard you try, you're not gonna get rid of me that easily" he responded. This went on for about five minutes until Max sighed in frustration. "This is chaos. You're chaos!" he yelled, then finally got around and began to walk away with Preston close behind. "Oh, you're one to talk! You constantly blow things up and cause dangerous stunts! Remember that time you let a bunch of poisonous frogs loose into the mess hall?!"

Max just laughed. "Yep! It was the best". Eventually the two of them got back to the entrance of the mess hall and had been fighting the whole way there. Once inside, they actually stopped and looked at each other in silence. Max broke the silence after five minutes by saying something no one would expect. "Okay, fine. Maybe the theater stuff isn't so stupid."

Preston looked shocked, then smiled. "Thank you! That's what I've been telling-"

"But I'm still not doing this play" Max interrupted. "Fine" Preston sighed. At least Max admitted who was correct in this situation and that was all that was needed to make him satisfied


Author's Note: So...I had originally planned for this story to be longer and maybe have more references to Broadway shows, but I had some serious writer's block and other ideas for stories I made while still writing this one. I might do more stories with this ship, who knows .<. (Also, this ship actually got me into the song from Waitress I attached because I saw a video with the two). Also, I have a question for you guys. Would...any of you be interested in a Camp Camp kid AU story thing? (By kid AU, I mean them being around the ages 3-4). Let me know in the comments :>!

Theater isn't stupid (Camp Camp MaxPres story) (Max X Preston)Where stories live. Discover now