Chapter 2: The Trouble Begins

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The sudden shouting that had come after Alastor and Emily had dropped off the food had intrigued Alastor a great deal.  He was becoming more and more interested in this family, especially the twins.  He supposed it made sense that he hadn’t met them, considering as a child he rarely left the house.  But he should have seen them leave the house at least once.   And if not that, he should have seen them in schooling.  But needless to say, this family was starting to pique his interest.  

    The twins however, would have to wait.  He was sure he would meet them eventually.  As of then, he and his mother were worrying about how far this court order would go.  They weren’t sure if they had the financial support to pay off whatever they were supposed to.  Alastor had suggested working extra shifts at his job, but Emily turned him down.  Alastor spent most of his day trying to find ways to earn a little extra money if possible.  Explaining the situation to his boss hadn't been helpful, as Alastor had suggested, he had offered to let him work extra shifts.  Alastor had politely declined and sought out a new way to earn something.

Barely anywhere else was hiring, and the places that were, offered very little money.

    They had gotten themselves into a predicament they couldn’t easily get out of.  This would certainly be a difficult situation to deal with.  Of course, they could be worrying for no reason.  It all depended on how much they were charged.  Five days.  That’s all they had to wait.

* * *

Anthony and his siblings had been informed about the current issue and were individually put in charge of taking care of different parts of the court order.  Audrick was put in charge of making sure they actually paid, the job wasn't necessary, but he was put in charge of it anyway.  Anthony was put in charge of paperwork, that meant he had to meet up with them the most, Audrick was going to go with him for the first and last few visits.  Molly was not put in charge of anything.  Henry figured that she didn't need any stress and told her not to worry her pretty little head.

Anthony had not been given anything
 yet, so he was lying face down on his bed waiting for something to do.  His phone gave off a small buzz.  He lifted his head slightly and grabbed for the cellular device.  He had been sent a message from his friend, Cherri.  He smirked and typed out a quick reply, getting off his bed and quickly put some shoes on.  He crept to the door, careful not to make any noise.  Opening the door quietly, he took a quiet step onto the porch, then another.  He closed the door and began walking briskly off of his street.

Once he was sure no one was
 following him, he pulled out a pack of cigarettes and lit one.  He held the smoke between his teeth as he put the pack and lighter away.  He inhaled the smoke and removed the cigarette from his mouth, letting out a long exhale.  He was finally going to be relaxed.

* * *

Of course Alastor had noticed
Anthony leave, he just wasn't aware that it was Anthony.  Due to his feminine build, Alastor had assumed it was Molly leaving the house.  Anthony was wearing a pink sweater for God's sake, of course Alastor would assume that he was Molly.  He was, at the moment of Anthony's departure, reading a book by his open window when he saw the effeminate man leave the house.  What had surprised Alastor the most, was the cigarette between what he presumed to be her lips.  If he remembered correctly, she was only seventeen.

He supposed it made sense, Henry 
had seemed to be an alcoholic, he probably didn't particularly care about what his children got into.  He seemed to rather care for Molly though, so the fact that he would let her into something that could ruin her health and future.  He waved it off and went back to reading his book.  However, his mind kept drifting back to 'Molly', particularly how she looked nothing like Henry or Audrick.  He couldn't see much, but from what he did see, she was blonde, compared to Henry's and Audrick’s black hair.  He wondered if Anthony was also blonde.

He sighed, he shouldn't have been
worrying about something like that.  It was unimportant.  That didn't keep his mind from wandering however.  He kept trying to imagine the two side by side.  It was… troubling.  His mind seemed to be consumed by the twins.  He found it rather embarrassing, that two people he had never even met could consume his thoughts so easily.

He continued with his thought until he
heard a loud slam from front door of the neighbors.  His head snapped to look out the window.  Audrick was rushing out of the house, he looked distressed.  He jogged out of the area and disappeared from sight.  Alastor found this odd.  Why would Audrick need to leave in such a rush?  He continued to look out window until he came back.

When he finally did come back, he 
was dragging the blonde behind him.  Alastor was able to catch a small amount of their conversation.  "-She's a bad influence, you shouldn't be hanging around her!"  The blonde scoffed in response, "Since when do you care about who I hang out with?"  Audrick sighed, "Since ya started disappearing in the middle of the day and don't show up again for hours."  He turned to face the blonde, "Look Tony, I care about ya, I know how dad can get, and I wish I could do something to stop him, but I don't have any control of this situation."  Wait, Tony- oh.  Alastor was suddenly struck with the realization that the supposed 'she' that had left the house was actually Anthony.  He felt slightly embarrassed but continued to listen, "Yeah, yeah, can we get inside?  It's fucking cold out here."  Audrick nodded and walked back into the house, Anthony following close behind.

And with that they disappeared into
the house.  Alastor watched with wide eyes as the front door closed and muffled shouting came from inside.  He was definitely interested in that family now...


(A/N: Hey y'all, this is my first time writing a chapter on my phone, I usually write on a computer, so if there are any mistakes, I'm sorry, I'm not the best at typing on my phone.

Best Regards,

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2021 ⏰

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