𝟏𝟔.| 𝟑𝟔𝟓

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"Do I have to go dad?" Coven asks Kia. A Gala. One she knows Cole will be at. It's been a year since she last saw him. 365 days. Exactly. He did try to reach out to Kia, but gave up when he was only getting the cold shoulder and Coven wouldn't leave the property because she didn't want to risk seeing Cole again.

"Yes. You have to. Maybe it's time you fix things with Cole. What he did was wrong, but he sounds like he misses you." He reasons.

She sighs and Kia takes that as his leave. She was already dressed in a red dress. It was floor length and skin tight. It was an off the shoulder dress so the sleeves started higher up her upper arm. The dress pushed her breasts up and had a sexy plunge in the neckline. There was a high slit up here right leg. The dress was sparkly, but a classy and elegant red sparkly evening gown. She wore matching plain red heels.

She wore a blood red lipstick, her eyeshadow was mainly neutral colors. Her eyeliner was bold. She had beautiful diamond studs in her ears and a matching necklace around her neck. The perfume she wore was heavenly. Her hair was pulled back into an elegant bun. Not a hair stuck up. A strand purposely left out to frame her face.

She grabs her clutch and walks down the stairs. The family took their separate cars to the Gala. Coven chose to ride with her older brother Micha who was only older than her by a few months. She was upset Kia was forcing her to go to this stupid Gala and let alone to fix things with Cole.

Lost in her head until she realizes she's walking towards the building with the people she calls family. As soon as the doors open, all eyes were on them. She instantly saw Cole, who was staring at her, his mouth agape. There was a woman with black hair and blue eyes that had her hand on his arm. She was obviously a slim and toned woman, but she had her curves.

"Cove...are you okay?" Micha asks seeing the woman with Cole.

"Of course. Why wouldn't I be?" She asks and leaves her family. She heads straight for the bar—that was a change. That night she arrived at Kias. Bloody hands from falling down on her run there and bloody knees for the same reason. Tear stained cheeks and a broken heart. She now drank whiskey and wine to soothe her broken heart.

"Cove." Blade whispers as he cautiously walks towards her. Mateo beside him, Cole and the woman behind them.

"Hey baby brother." She says with a smile. He hugs her tightly and she hugs back. They let go and she hugs Mateo as well.

"Good to see you boys again." She says as she turns to grab her whiskey.

"You...drink now." Mateo notes staring at the glass of whiskey.

"Yeah...something to numb the pain of a broken heart." She says as she winks and chuckles. They grimly smile as Cole frowns.

"Cole." She says in a cold tone and he grimaces.

"C-Can we talk Coven, please?" He pleads, but she simply ignores him.

"There's that gorgeous doctor who saved my life!" A voice exclaimed and she chuckles as she turns to Logan Smith.

"Yet you could of avoided that, but your dumbass chose to walk into the field or gunshots. What's up Logan?" She asks, oblivious to the three men who were gaping at her.

"Alive and kicking thanks to you." He says as he winks at her.

"Yeah." She says with a giggle.

"Why are they looking like they just saw a ghost?" He asks motioning to the men and she looks at them confused before realizing why.

"I didn't use to cuss when I hung around with them. They are...old friends." She says.

"Does an old friend touch another friends pussy and eat her out?" Cole says harshly.

"I mean...I have been trying to let her let me do that, but some idiot broke her poor heart. Now, rumor has it she doesn't have one." He says like he was telling a ghost story. She smacks him in the arm.

"Stop it. I have a heart. Otherwise I would have left you for death." She says and he chuckles.

"See you all around. I have some stuff to do." She says as she sees the man she's taken a small liking in. Cole grabs her arm and drags her off before she could though. Taking her to a private room, locking the door. She sighs.

"Coven...I never meant it. I never wanted you to leave." He says.

"It was my fault. Your walking again, hopefully it didn't take long." She says.

"I was paralyzed for six months." He whispers and she looks at him confused.

"How? Wait...was it...me?" She asks, her face softening as well as her cold eyes. It looked like his normal Coven now.

"The poison. Had some affect on my spine. I can't exactly remember, but it was something crazy. It shocked all the doctors." He says. She felt relieved it wasn't hers.

"I love you." She says and he looks at her surprised.

"You hurt me, but I still love you." She says and he stays silent.

"I tried to move on, believe me, but I still love you and to be honest, I think I'll always love you." She says.

"I love you too Coven. More then you'll ever know." He says and she nods as she downs the whiskey without a mere grimace.

"Who's your friend?" She asks.

"Who...wait, are you jealous?" He asks and she shrugs.

"Baby, that's my sister, Azora. We saved her." He says and she blushes and nods.

"I'm happy to hear that you have her back." She says.

"Enough with small talk. What about us? I regret hurting you and I'll spend the rest of my life making it up to you." He says. She unzips her dress and lets it slip down her body. His eyes were slightly wide, taking in her figure.

"Or you could show me how much you love me by making love to me." She says.

"C-Coven, your a virgin." He says. She slowly walks towards him, a seductive smirk and a sexy slow sway to her hips. Her hands fist his tux jacket.

"Mmmhmm. But, I've wanted nothing more than for you to make love to me." She says.

"Coven, I want to fix things." He says.

"I know. I do to. By making love. Show me how much you love me Cole." She says.

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