𝟐𝟐.| 𝐎𝐮𝐜𝐡

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"Ouch!" She shouts as she collapses to the floor after a shot rung out through the room and into her leg.

"What the hell man!? She's working on his brain!" The man who beat her shouts.

"I-I didn't mean to!" He cries out.

"You, get up. It's a bullet wound. Your fine." He snaps and she wanted to kill everyone here.

"I can't get up without my hands and if I touch the floor, I'll have to resanitize which means this is going to take longer when he doesn't have that time because his clot can burst at any moment. Your guy shot me because of an 'accident' so have him help me back up or your boss is going to die." She snaps harshly.

"You heard her." He says and the man who shot her, crouches down, wrapping his arms around her midriff. He helps her up and she puts all hers pressure on her good leg. She gets back to operating and sighs in relief when she got it solved. She starts to close up his head before she limps to the other side of the table where she works on his abdominal issue. She managed to get it done, but she was growing more tired by the second. She manages to sneakily turn on the anesthesia before going back to work. All of them were in here. If that meant she went down as well, fine. But, if Cole and the guys could come in—great.

She just hopes to god no gunfire happens because even the minimalist spark could cause an explosion.

"Damn, I feel..." He trails off before people start collapsing. She turns the anesthesia off as she collapses herself.


"Coven! Coven! Wake up!" A voice exclaims. Her tired grey eyes flutter open and look up at who was talking to her.

"Smart and dumb idea. There were more guys, but luckily Cole and them got here in time. You could've bled out." The Chief says and she closes her eyes again.

"Coven, you have to keep your eyes open." He says and she whines as she opens them. She saw Cole this time, standing nearby looking rather pale.

"Baby, you scared me. Are you okay?" He asks and she nods.

"I-I..." She says before feeling really really sick.

"Get a bucket!" The Chief exclaims and he immediately has one. He helps her sit up and she holds the bucket as she hurls into it.

"Get a gurney and prep another OR. Coven needs to have surgery." The Chief orders while rubbing her back soothingly. She pants after and feels dizzy.

"Pregnant." She whispers as she faints and The Chief's eyes widen.

"And get me some damn stuff for an ultrasound!" He exclaims.

It was hectic. All around. The rival men were being taken to the cells. The boss passed away so now they were disposing of his body. They were cleaning up and mourning their loss of Jackie. All the while trying to help the woman who saved all their lives when they were too coward to stand up. But, she stood up.

"She's loosing more blood. What the hell is going on!?" The Chief exclaims as a gurney is rolled in. Cole and The Chief lift her up onto the gurney.

"I want to watch. I need to." Cole says following behind the gurney that held his fiancée who was paler than normal.

"No Cole. You will wait in the waiting room." He says as he glances back at his boss, the boy he delivered twenty eight years ago. He was just twenty one, but he'll never forget the day.

"I can't wait there not knowing what's going on!" He exclaims.

"Cole! I'll send a nurse to update you! But, Coven needs medical attention and I don't need you nagging and questioning my every decision. So go and wait in the waiting room. And you also have other things going on that needs your attention. Like how the hell did they get past all of our guards!?" He says before disappearing into a room as two nurses tug Cole along who was dazed—to the waiting room. Azora was quick to jump up and hug her older brother. Blade and Mateo smile pitifully at him.

"She's always risking herself for everyone, is she not?" She asks and Cole nods.

"Always." He whispers and she frowns.

"Cole, she's a very strong girl and I know that from the little time I've known her. She is going to be okay." She says.

"Coven is strong man. The strongest woman I know and the best sister I could ask for. Despite how much my father hated me, I didn't get many beatings because Coven saved me every time. And my entire life, even now—Coven is the same strong, stubborn, bull-headed innocent girl I knew growing up. She's only grown. She's so strong. She will make it. She always does. I know she will." Blade rambles as his nerves were a mess. Cole understood the feeling.

His nerves were shattered. He didn't even know where the hell to begin. His fiancée was in surgery. She looks in pretty bad condition for a beating and a gunshot wound to the leg. He's had both of those, went to the ER and came out fine. Something more must be going on and that's all his mind could think. It reeked with the possible things that could be going wrong. He didn't know what to think at any of these. He remembers hearing Coven ramble on and on about these at dinner and when he helped her study and now he regrets it. Because now every terrible medical condition and complication was running through his mind.

He regretted letting her work here in a way because she wouldn't of been in this mess. But, he knows how much this means to her and that he can't take it away from her. His head started to ache from how much it was overthinking and all's he could do was overthink some more.

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