𝐁𝐎𝐍𝐔𝐒| 𝟐𝟎 𝐘𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐋𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫

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Despite Coven being 43 and Cole being 48, they both looked good. They hardly aged much. Cole did look like a silver fox already, but he still looked like he hadn't aged. Coven patiently waited at the end of the table with Cole who was already sat down. Solace who was officially 20 walked in and smiled happily when he saw him mom. He immediately hugged her first.

"Momma! I've missed you!" He says and she giggles. He was definitely clingy like his father, but he was definitely a mommas boy. Next was her other son Coen who was 18, walked in.

"Hey pops, hey momma." He says as he gives them a hug before sitting by Solace who sat on the other side of Coven. Coven continued to stand, waiting for the triplets to come in. Next was her other son Axton who was 15 who walked in. He greeted his parents and brother before sitting down. Next was their triplets who were 14. Zeal, Iver and Hollis.

"Grounded. All three of you." Coven scolds and they all groan before hugging her and Cole who was amused.

"Momma, we were just keeping her safe." Zeal says as he avoids her fiery grey eyes.

"Excuse me, I believe I raised you better then that triplets. I know I did. If there is an issue, you bring it to your father or I." She says.

"Mom what could you possibly ever do! Your a stupid doctor!" Iver exclaims and despite Coven's feelings hurt, she didn't falter. She's faced a lot of hurtful things from her kids. Cole stood slowly and Iver sat back in his seat, cowering away.

"Your mother isn't a stupid fucking doctor boy. She's the only doctor who keeps finding cures to cancers. So you better apologize right now." Cole says coldly and he nods.

"Yes papa! I'm sorry momma! I didn't mean it!" He exclaims.

"You three don't get gaming, outside time, or training. You get to stay at the house and help me clean and cook." She says and they groan.

"You have privileges in this house and hardly a chore. Your lucky I only make sure I make you keep the room clean, but if your going to break rules and get into trouble, you lose those privileges. And none of your girlfriends are coming over. Electronic privileges are taken away as well." She says and they all whine as the twins who are 12 walk in. Elroy and Stark. Stark had autism, but he didn't have a severe case. His speech was a little behind, he was a super smart and bright kid, but things did trigger him. He also was born and she was told he wouldn't have good mobility with his legs without crutches. He slowly made his way over, and Coven waited knowing it would make him upset if she met him halfway. He was a determined boy.

"M-Momma!" He exclaims as Cole holds one of the crutches for him so he can hug Coven who hugs him tightly.

"My baby boy! How was your day handsome?" She asks with a giggle and he too giggles in return.

"Good. I made you a picture. E-Elroy helped me g-go upstairs and put it on your bed." He says.

"Thank you precious baby boy. I'll make sure to hang it up as soon as I see it. Now go take a seat. Dinner will be out once everyone gets here. Give papa a hug too real quick." She says and she moves her chair and helps him since Cole held his other crutch.

"Hey son. Did anything interesting happen today?" He asks as he hugs his son tightly.

"N-No papa. B-But, I drew you a picture too. I-I put it on your side of your bed." He says and Cole smiles.

"Thanks bubba. Go on and take a seat before your momma goes all momma bear on me." He teases and he giggles as he grabs his crutch from his dad and slowly gets to his seat. Elroy had his seat pulled out already. Then last, but not least the twins who were nine. Soul and Dream.

"Momma! A cute boy gave me a kiss on the cheek!" Soul giggles as she hugs Coven who goes wide eyed as all the men go nuts. She hugs her two girls close who were panicked. Stark started to throw a bit of a tantrum not liking all the chaos.

"Enough!" Coven boomed and the men went silent in shock before sitting.

"Go sit girls. Boys, none of you say a word. You all upset the girls and Stark. Baby boy, your okay. Elroy, can you go get his colored pencils and sketchbook so he can calm down?" She asks and he nods as he leaves. She gently pets Starks hair.

Azora, Blade and Mateo walk in with their five kids. Ozzie who was 18. Leroy who was 15. Milo who was 10. Then the twins who were five, Oliver and Sage.

They take their seats and Coven waits till Elroy gets back and puts Stark's items in front of him. Coven kisses his head before rounding the table to the girls who were almost in tears.

"Lovelies, they aren't mad at you. You know how protective they are of you two, right?" She asks softly as pets their hair. They nod.

"They just don't want boys near you. And you know I love you both very much, but nine is an early age to be thinking about boys, kisses and boyfriends. I'd like if you waited until you were a little older. Then come talk to me about it, without any of the boys around because we know they'll loose their head again." She says softly and they nod.

"Remember, right now, boys have cooties." She says and they giggle while nodding. She giggles with them as she ruffles their hair before hugging Blade first.

"Little brother! It feels like ages since I've seen you!" She says and he groans while rolling his eyes. She smacks him in the head.

"Don't roll your eyes at me." She scolds and he whines while rubbing his head.

"Such a mean sister." He pouts.

"Mean? I'm just training you right. Despite you being forty years old." She teases. He purses his lips as he shoves at her.

"And look who's forty three." He says.

"Please, I don't look a day over thirty." She says.

"Twenty five baby. Twenty five." Cole says with a smile and she smiles lovingly at him.

"Come here. I'm still waiting for a hug." Mateo says sassily and she giggles as she hugs Mateo. Then she hugs Azora before going to go grab plates and drinks. After a few trips back and forth she did it. She gently grabbed Starks wrist.

"It's time to eat baby boy. I have to take your art supplies away from the table." She says and he slams his hand down.

"Hey, don't do that. It's rude and disrespectful, but you'll hurt yourself." She says seriously and he looks up at her.

"It's time to eat. You can finish this beautiful picture after dinner. Just promise to give it to me after because I already love it." She says softly with a smile as she winks at him which causes him to smile and giggle. He nods and she gently packs up the stuff and goes to set it back where it's always at. His room.

She heads back down the stairs and sits next to Cole. Throughout dinner it was calm and peaceful. It was filled with laughter and smiles. It was great.

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