She's My Muse

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Do you ever just fall for someone's vibe? Not anything sexual, just their presence. Like genuinely talking and laughing with them.

LJ groaned as she stretched in bed, slowly waking as the sun poured through her bedroom window at her dad's. As she was about to grab her phone to call Val to see when she and Elle would be back, LJ could hear the front door opening, and Flynn could be heard bounding up the stairs towards her room. The door flew open as Flynn leaped onto the bed, and Leilani realized she heard Gibbs' voice greeting the girls.

"It's 8 o'clock; he should have been at work by now," Lei whispered to Flynn as she crawled out of bed

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"It's 8 o'clock; he should have been at work by now," Lei whispered to Flynn as she crawled out of bed.

"I think I hear my Sunflower coming down the stairs" Gibbs smiled as they heard a creak.

"Morning, I thought you'd be at work by now," LJ smiled, taking the cup of coffee her dad handed her.

"Vance said to come in when you had gotten up and gotten ready. I wanted to wait for Elle and Valda so we could go to the diner and meet the boys for breakfast" Gibbs smiled, kissing LJ's forehead.

"Can you put this in a to-go cup, and I'll go get ready?"

"Drink it while you get ready. Take your time. I want both of you girls to get settled in before we leave" Gibbs smiled, refusing to take the cup.

"Okay, Dad," LJ smiled, and Elle helped Valda take the bags upstairs.

About thirty minutes later, all three girls came gliding down the stairs with Flynn in tow, ready to go have breakfast. Lei was wearing a baggy pink sweater, olive green bomber jacket, black leggings, and the same Vans from the day before. The sun shone through the stained-glass window onto Lei's hair that was down and curly, and it made Gibbs remember the first time he saw Tala.

"You okay, Dad?" Lei asked, noticing him staring at her as they reached the first floor

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"You okay, Dad?" Lei asked, noticing him staring at her as they reached the first floor.

"Yeah, you just reminded me of the first time I saw your mom," he smiled, holding the door open for them.

Elle smiled, seeing Gibbs' genuine smile when he was looking at LJ; it brought her so much joy to see him happy for once. The team was so delighted that Gibbs got this second chance at a happy life and hoped that everything would turn out right for them. As they got into the sedan, Lei thought she saw someone across the street watching them, but no one was there when she looked.

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