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Have a beautiful day. 

"I'm surprised you took my call" Lei blushed over the secured video call. 

"Why wouldn't I take your call?" Nick smiled, warming Leilani from across the country. 

"I didn't want you to find out about Australia like that. I wanted to tell just you," Lei sighed, "I don't even get to stop in D.C. 

"I appreciate that you even wanted to tell me" he commented, admiring Lei over the call. 

"If you ever find yourself in Australia, give me a shout" she smiled, noticing Nick was checking her out, "How's Bishop doing since her fiancé was killed? 

"Not great, and I think she's considering leaving NCIS" Nick admitted. 

"I'll give her a call once I'm in Australia," Lei sighed, "I wish I could keep talking to you, but I have to go finish packing before we leave tonight."

"I'll keep an eye on everyone here, I promise" Nick replied before hanging up. 

Deep in LJ's heart she knew that they may see other people, but life would bring her and Nick back together. Nick was the type of man that Leilani's parents would have wanted her to marry when the time was right. He was sweet, smart, funny, and would protect his family until his last breath; the perfect partner for Leilani. 

"You seem deep in thought" Warrick commented, coming into Lei's room since she hadn't responded when he knocked on the doorframe

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"You seem deep in thought" Warrick commented, coming into Lei's room since she hadn't responded when he knocked on the doorframe. 

"Yeah, just thinking about this guy from home" Lei admitted, finally noticing her best friend. 

"Oh, really?" Warrick asked in surprise. 

"Yeah, his name's Nick. He works for my dad" Lei blushed slightly.

"Tell him how you feel then! Maybe he'll come and visit you while we're in Australia" Warrick exclaimed. 

"We made a deal not to wait for the other while I was gone," Lei sighed, sitting on bed heavily, "I need a distraction while we're out there or I'm going to get hurt when I find out Nick's dating someone."

"What about that blonde you told me your sister introduced you to before shipping out to training?" he smirked, reminding Lei about Adelaide. 

"You're suggesting Addie because you think girl-on-girl is hot" she laughed,  zipping her packed bags. 

"Better her than some rando in Australia trying to get a green card out of you" Warrick argued. 

"Okay that's a valid point" Lei chuckled. 

"Then ask Valda for her number! We're leaving in thirty minutes and you should have that shit on lock before we even take off" Warrick smirked. 

"Okay! Okay! I'm texting Val right now!" 

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