Ch 13- Unusual

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"Love me, regardless?"

"Ch 13- Unusual"

Back at her house, Marinette was plopped on her bed thinking through things that happened in her life recently.

She became a super heroine, Ladybug which she still has no idea how, her kwami and the guardian are now aware of her condition which they don't think is a problem but she's still unsure and last but not least she had a crush or had feelings for her partner in crime, Chat noir and he seems to like her back too, which is a problem...

"I better go to sleep now, it's exhausting", She said as she got comfy and quickly fell asleep.

The next day she was surprisingly up early and she got dressed up and went down for breakfast when she overheard her parents talking.

"Tom we have to know her opinion too, it's her life after all", Sabine said.

"I know but there's really no use in sending her to school right now because.... know. It's a burden for her and I don't want her to be stressed upon her studies", Tom said as his voice went low.

Marinette was kind of shocked on hearing that her dad doesn't want to send her to school anymore.

"Dad? You don't want to send me to school?", Marinette asked slightly sad.

"Marinette? Oh sweetie of course not! We were  just talking about-", He get cut.

"It's fine dad, I get it that you only care about me, but I really want to go to school... and live my life to it's fullest, please dad!", She says as she was about to cry.

"Oh honey, it's your wish, if you really want to go you can and at any moment you don't want to you can tell us and I'm sure your father agrees right Tom?", Sabine says giving Tom a slight shove with her elbow.

"A- Ah uhm... yes, I'm okay with it", Tom sighs.

"Thanks mom and dad for being with me", She says as she hugs her parents.

"Ofcouse we'll always be by your side no matter what", They say.


At school--

"Hey  girl, your surprisingly early today", Alya who was just entering the school building says.

"Aha yea, I'm a bit surprised myself", She laughs.

"O-M-G! Btw did you hear the news!", Alya yells excitedly.

"Uhm about what?", Marinette asks as they walk towards their classroom.

"Girl which rock do you live under? No offence but you need to up to date with latest news ah", Alya says giving her friend a slight push.

"Heyyy I'm no reporter, you would obviously know everything Miss Ladyblogger", Marinette laughs follwed by Alya.

"Okay cut the small talk, You need to know this M!", She says excitedly as she opens the classroom door to an empty classroom.

"Wait, where is everyone?", Marinette asks.

"I'm not sure", Alya says looking around the classroom.

"So there is infact something you do not know", Marinette laughs yet again.

"Hey c'mon girl, this is sorta serious", Alya says.

"You're right, shall we go to the principal's office?", She asks.

"Good idea, let's go", Alya says as they head towards Mr. Damocles's office.

They knock on the door but there's no answer so they decide to go in and were shocked to find no one there.

"Is there something going on that we're unaware of?", Marinette asks.

"Looks like it, I'm extremely confused. Was today supposed to be a day off or something?", She asks.

"You could be right but we would have gotten some type of information right? Not even my parents knew", Marinette says holding her chin.

"Neither do my parents know, so it must be something else. Let's check outside?", She suggests.

"You're right, let's see if our friends are out", She says.

They checked all around the school searching for their friends but they had no luck.

"Where is everyone? Not only our friends but Nobody seems to be around", Alya says.

 "This is really strange, let's go to our house to check?", Marinette asks.

"Yea but let's stick together, I have a feeling something is wrong", Alya says.

Marinette nods and they head to the bakery first as it's nearer.

They check the entire bakery and even Marinette's apartment but find nothing.

"I swear they were here when I left!", Marinette says worried.

"Okay now I'm getting kinda scared, why are we seemingly the only people in Paris?", Alya asks.

"Do you think it could be an akuma?", Marinette asks.

"Oh yeah, you could be right but I don't see any supervillain", Alya says.

"Hmmm, Let's check around more", Marinette suggests.


Sorry for ending it so blunt lol

Its just my wrist has been hurting so I cant really type more sorryyy

Anyways thank you so much for reading and i hope you enjoyed it!


Love me, regardless? (Adrienette AU) [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now