Regime Change

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The entire chamber was stunned into silence by Amelia's proclamation. She sat back down, satisfied by the looks of shock on both Dumbledore's and Fudge's faces. Umbridge continued to scream and shout silently in her seat.

Dumbledore took nearly a minute to recover. He cleared his throat.

'Very well,' he said with a deep frown. 'Dolores Umbridge, you are hereby accused of murder, attempted murder, use of Unforgivable Curses, financial and material aid to known Death Eaters, and corruption. How do you plead?'

One of the Aurors unsilenced the toad. 'False charges!' she shouted, 'Brought up to discredit me for trying to bring about a proper wizarding – ' Umbridge was interrupted as she was silenced once more.

'Not guilty, then,' Dumbledore said. 'Madam Bones?'

Amelia stood up. 'Clearly, given the severity of the crimes accused, a Veritaserum interrogation is in order,' she announced, 'Robards, administer the potion.'

Robards – the Auror on the left – forced open Umbridge's mouth. She tried to bite the Auror as he tipped the potion into her throat. Instantly, her face grew slack and her resistance stopped. Robards unsilenced her once more.

Amelia turned to Umbridge with an unmistakable look of distaste on her face. 'Name?' she demanded curtly.

'Dolores Jane Umbridge.'

'Date of birth?'

'26 August 1945.'


'Eight inches, birch, dragon heartstring.'

'Were you responsible for the instructions found on the dementor control medals that were discovered in your office last week?' Amelia began her questioning.

'Yes,' Umbridge replied monotonously, 'I personally gave the dementors their instructions.'

Amelia's face morphed into an look of disgust. 'What instructions?'

'To administer the Kiss to the brat Potter.'

Gasps of shock sounded all around the chamber – even from some members in the Dark faction. The entire Light and most of the Neutral factions was glaring at Umbridge with murderous eyes. Harry glanced over at Hermione. She was incredibly pale, probably from hearing about Umbridge's cold-blooded premeditated murder. Harry reached over and took her hand, squeezing tightly.

'Were you aware of the fact that you were attempting to remove Mister Potter's soul, and thereby, attempting to end his life?' Amelia continued, seemingly not noticing the commotion.

'That was the intended result,' Umbridge replied immediately. Hermione tightened her grip on Harry's hand to almost vicelike pressures. Harry did not complain or withdraw his hand.

'Were you aware of the potential for injury or death to bystanders who might have happened to be with Mister Potter, or otherwise muggles?'

'I was,' the pink toad answered. 'I sent two dementors on purpose. If the felon Black was with him, or better, the Mudblood girl, then I would have taken them both out in one go. As for muggles, any injuries or deaths would just be collateral damage.'

Never mind potential impropriety, Harry wrapped an arm around Hermione's shoulders and pulled her into his side. He could feel raw fury welling up inside him, like he would like nothing better than to curse Umbridge to smithereens right in the middle of the courtroom. But he remembered Sirius's warnings. As hard as it was, he reigned in his temper.

The Light and Neutral members of the Wizengamot were all fully sneering and jeering at Umbridge now. Veritaserum could compel the truth, but Umbridge's liberal use of slurs was completely of her own accord. Even some of the Dark faction were shaking their heads in disapproval at Umbridge's behaviour in front of the entire Wizengamot.

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