July - September 2000

97 3 1

"What a way to spend your birthday," Ron grumbled as they dragged more furniture out of the kitchen. "And to force us to do free labour like it's nothing..."

"You can always send an owl to the Prophet and expose Mel as the heartless boss she truly is," Erick joked, he'd just walked in from the garden.

"Don't even think about it," Mel huffed, giving her wand an energetic flick and making all the cabinets straight again. "I'm already drowning in letters from people all over Britain that are horrified by my decision of kicking out the dementors- even though Kreacher and Dobby are doing great!"

"We already told you to throw those letters away," Ron rolled his eyes, using his wand to get rid of the dirt surrounding the faucet.

"I do, but they keep coming! I guess I'll just have to be brave and endure it until they realize my method works."

"And are you sure it'll work?"

Ron and Mel gave Erick a dirty look.

"Grow up," He told them with a scowl. "I'm asking a fair question."

"Of course it'll work, it was Mel's idea!" Ron said defensively. "And I'd rather fetch every criminal without a wand before doubting her ever again."

"That was sickeningly sweet," she smiled at him. "Thank you."

"Hey, Mel!" Harry called from the main hall. "Come look at the new wallpaper!"

She left the boys scrubbing the kitchen on their own and moved towards the inside of the house. Harry, Hermione, and Luna were staring at the wall in front of them.

"Look at this, Mellow," Harry said proudly, "told you it'd look nice."

The young witch admired their work: a nice dark blue colour now covered the entire entrance hall. Its pattern had a series of flowers entangled with each other, the green of the leaves and the pink and white of the petals were paler in comparison with the background, and she liked it. Harry said it reminded him of her drawing-room back in Privet Drive, and he insisted on getting it because it would make them feel even more at home.

"You were right," She said approvingly.

"You like it?"

"I love it," She looked back at him. "You know what we should get? A tapestry."

Harry looked at her with a bit of horror. "Like the one in Grimmauld Place?"

"We wouldn't use it in the same way the Blacks did!" She insisted. "I just thought it'd be nice to see how it grows as we get older, don't you think? How it changes from being just the two of us to I don't know, five, maybe more?"

Harry pondered. "Are you sure?"

"We can have it in the nursery room if you feel it'd be weird to have it on plain sight?"

"You'll have a nursery room?" Luna interrupted, they'd forgotten other people were around. "Are you pregnant?"

"No!" Both Mel and Harry replied.

"We only have it because the house has many rooms and we ran out of ideas," Mel said sheepishly. "We have an office and three guest rooms- and having the library being a different room sounded silly when the office is big enough..."

Until the very End - [Harry Potter xF!Oc]Where stories live. Discover now