2.Meeting new people (KIARA POV)

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While we were going to our rooms i was looking around the corridor of academy, it was wide and tall painted with light green paint, and everywhere were lockers with books, notebooks and probably clothes for P-E. We then entered to section where students have rooms, the corridor here was the same but with doors to different rooms with numbers on them. We came to one of the doors.

Makini:OK, here is your room Kiara, your roommates should be inside.

Kion:Good luck Kiara.

Kiara:Thanks, good luck to you too brothers.

Kion:Thanks, come on Kopa,  let's check our room.


And with that my brothers and Makini walk off while i knocked on the door and after a while a lioness opened the door.

Kiara:Um... Hi, my name is Kiara and I'm gonna be your new roommate. - I said unsurely.

?:Oh hi, you must one of new students here, my name is Tiffu. - she said excited with a smile and opening the door wider so i could see the room and another lioness sitting on the bed doing eyelashes. 

Tiffu:Zuri come meet Kiara our new roommate. 

Zuri: Hi i'm Zuri, nice to meet you. - She said with small smile reaching out the hand.

Kiara:Nice to meet you too. - I said while shaking her hand.

 Tiffu was having creamy fur with three freckles on the cheeks tuft of hair on the head, dark green eyes and pink nose while Zuri haved fur colour of orangish tint of cream, two dashes under her deep blue eyes and dark pink nose. And the room was rectangular with walls painted on beige, inside was two bunk beds, a window, a desk and two doors, one to bathroom and second to wardrobe. 

Zuri: Wait, aren't you Kiara a daughter of that multi-billionaire Simba?

Kiara:Well, yeah that's me.

Tiffu and Zuri looked at each other.

Tiffu and Zuri:(SQUEL).

It isn't even the end of the day and already i almost lost a hearing in my ears. Wait, Makini said there will be three girls in the room but here are only two.

Kiara: Ummm, i have a question, shouldn't be three girls in here?

Tiffu: Yes there is but she wasn't feeling well so she is with her aunt who is hygienist here.

Kiara:Oh, i hope she will get better.

Zuri: Yeah, us to. 

Tiffu:(with a smile) How about we go check on her while we give you Kiara  tour around the school?

Kiara: That's good idea and while we go around we can see my brothers.

Zuri: Wait, you have brothers?

Kiara: Yeah two of them.

Tiffu:What are they like?

Kiara:Well, Kion is my age and he is energetic and ingenious while Kopa is 2 years older and more like my dad.

Tiffu: And that is?

Kiara: protective and serious, and you two, are you sisters?

Tiffu and Zuri:(laughs)

Zuri: No we are not, but some people may think that way cause we are good friends with each other.

Kiara: Oh, sorry.

Zuri: It's OK, now come on let's go show you around.

Kiara: ok just give me a minute to put my things to wardrobe.

Zuri: OK, we will wait.

After i put my things in the wardrobe me, Tiffu and Zuri walk out of there room to look around, in the mean time i got to know the girls better, Tiffu wants to be a painter in the future cause she has talent to painting and asked me do i want to see her paintings which on i agreed while Zuri wants to start a career as model. Also I got to know about the third girl in our room, her name is Rani, she is my age, has a chestnut colour fur, dark stripe on her back, chocolate brown eyes and pinkish red nose. As we were walking through the corridor i started a conversation.

Kiara: What are students in our class?

Tiffu: From our friends there are two cheetah's Fuli and Azzad, hyena Jasiri, hippo Beshte, honey badgers Bunga and Binga, clouded leopard Yun Mibu, egret Ono, martial eagle Anga, leopard Badili, Rani and her HANDSOME brother Baliyo. - She said with dreamy sigh at the end. I knew she had a crush on him.

Kiara: And how this "handsome Baliyo" look like? - I teased her.

Tiffu: Well he is OH GOD. - She said loud.

Kiara: Really that attractive? - I asked.

Zuri:(whispers to Kiara's ear) She means this. -  She said refering to a honey-badger and three lions coming at us, two of them are my brothers and the third one probably must be Baliyo.

Kion: Hey Kiara what's up? - He asked.

Kiara: Good and you?

Kion: Same, meet Bunga and Baliyo, they are our roommates.

Kiara: Hi, my name is Kiara, Kion's and Kopa's sister.

Bunga: Hi.

Baliyo: It's nice to meet you.

Bunga was honey badger with light blue fur with white on the back and elbows and black eyes, while Baliyo was tall and muscular lion, he had dark chestnut fur, dark brown mane in mohawk shape, pink nose and blue eyes.

Kiara: It's nice to meet you too, Kion Kopa meet Tiffu and Zuri, my roommates.

Kion: Hi girls, how are you doing?

Kopa: Nice to meet you.

Tiffu: Nice to meet  you too and we are doing good.

Zuri: (in flirty tone) Yes, even better when you are here Kion.

Wait WHAT!!! She barely knows Kion and already flirting with him?

Kion: Ummm, thanks Zuri, anyways Kiara we are going to meet the rest of the class your coming?

Kiara: Well i'm going to see Rani, my third roommate cause she was sick.

Baliyo: I don't think so.

Kiara: Why?

Baliyo: Look behind you.

I did what he wanted and saw a lioness that matched Rani's look running towards us.

Rani: There you are, you could leave a note where are you going.

Tiffu: Sorry Rani, we were showing Kiara around.

Rani: Kiara?

Kiara: Hi, my name is Kiara, i'm gonna be your roommate.

Rani: Hi Kiara, nice to meet you.

Kiara: Nice to meet you too, these are my brothers Kion and Kopa. 

And that's how I met my and my brothers roommates.


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