What was Coming

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So much happened that night, I honestly try to forget it all. My "mother" beat me around with a heavy metal bat, ripping and tearing at my skin and hair. The one thing she couldn't break, was the crown on my head. It's where my magic comes from. It can't be removed or broken, it's a curse put on my body, as if I wasn't going through enough already!

I ran out of the house, blood running from my mouth. I sat at the edge of the bridge overlooking the small steam running to the sea. It was so late and very, very dark. There was a dim street light near by, but it didn't help me see what was coming. . .

I felt a sharp pain run through my body, I had been struck with that dam bat again, this time, in the back of my head.

Tait CarsonWhere stories live. Discover now