Chapter 2~

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(Jeordie's P.O.V.~)

I sat there with me head up against the wall, staring at the ceiling, when the door opened. I looked over and saw the sicko owner of this shit hole, step into the doorway. He smiled wickedly at me, and I quickly scooted away.

I scooted into the corner and yelled "Get away from me, you perv!"

"Be quiet, you little shit! Besides, I wouldn't touch a little faggot like you."

I swallowed and he said "But there's someone here for you."

He stepped aside and a tall man with skin like mine, long black hair, and no eyebrows, walked in. He was dressed all in black, and he had dark eyeshadow and black lipstick lined the edge of his plump lips.

He had this curious look on his face, as if he's never seen a guy in a dress before..He took a step closer to me, but I just moved away, getting on the shit excuse for a bed.

"Don't come any closer." I warned, scooting as far into the corner as I could. He ignored me and just came closer, bringing his face close to mine. His brown eyes stared into mine, then moved down my body, all the way to my worn out combat boots.

His eyes came back to mine and asked "What's your name, beautiful?" I blushed when he called me beautiful...No one ever has...Not even my own parents. Maybe that's why they got rid of me...I was an embarrassment to them.


He smiled and said "Jeordie? What a beautiful name for such a beautiful creature..I'm Brian."

Why is he calling me beautiful? And he doesn't look like someone who has children buried in his backyard...He seems normal, even to someone like me...He seems somewhat trustworthy.....But I still don't trust him. I don't know what he's capable of.

Brian turned to the gross fatass and said "I'd like to have him, please." The guy hesitated at first, but put on a fake smile and said "Of course. Hold on, let me get a collar and a lease for him, and you can fill out the paperwork in my office."

Brian nodded and said "Okay. I'll stay here till you get back." And the guy disappeared. The older man turned his attention back to me and smiled. "Don't listen to him, Jeordie..I won't let him hurt you." He gently brushed some of my dreads away from my eyes, and caressed my cheek.

I don't trust him, I don't want to trust him, I don't want to be his little bitch. But there's something about him...That just doesn't sit right with me at all.

I was wrapped up in my thoughts, when I saw his face was even closer to mine. I could feel his cool breath hit my face, sending chills down my spine. I had no idea what kind or sick thoughts he must be having right now, but I'm really fucking scared to find out....I've never had sex, and I didn't wanna lose it by being raped.

He smiled at me and brought his lips to my ear. "You have nothing to worry about, Jeordie...You'll be safe with me."

I could practically hear the smirk in his voice, and shivered. Then the guy came back with a red collar and leash, and I swallowed.

"Now you be still you little shit, and I won't beat your ass into the ground." He came towards me, but I yelped and clung to Brian. I didn't want to, but I had no one else.

"You little-"

"John, please. Give me the collar and the leash, and I'll put them on him, okay?"

He grumbled but handed them to Brian and stomped out. Brian shook his head and turned to me.

"Okay sweetheart be still, and this'll be over in a second."

I nodded and stayed still for him while he put the collar on me and attached the leash to it. Once he was done, he stood up straight and held his hand out to me. I slowly slipped my hand in his and he gently pulled me up.

Once I was up on my feet, he smiled and said "Come on, let's get you out of this shit hole."

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