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"Holy sh*t, what have I done"
I'm.. still in shock, and left fearful, of myself. Absolutely ...freaked out. My brain can't even begin to process the previous events, it- felt like this was just some bizarre dream. But it was real. That wasn't just an illusion... my class mate's skull is still in my bag, and there is still blood on my hands. ..I can't even believe this. I feel like I'm about to panic, "What have, I done? Why did I do all that, and why am I still alive?" What's about to happen now, I just actually left pretty much the whole school to burn and die. I literally forgot the part where I kill myself, and I'm in too much shock to do anything now. It was just a murderous... rage. My heart is still beating, beating too fast, but weirdly enough I feel somewhat alive, I feel pretty much psychotic at this point...

I must've been dropped on the ground for ages now, since it's dark. I drag my legs off the ground and walk into the night.

I keep walking, thinking of everything. What the hell am I going to do with myself now.

I keep blindly walking forwards, no destination, no paths, no way to go. I know I brought this on myself, but I wasn't thinking straight, I mean... I am meant to be dead right now. I couldn't control my own body. My instincts has changed. My instincts have become more predator, than it has ever been.

It was then an unrecognized hand; disgusting me was placed on my shoulder, from behind. An old, drunk creep. "Hey there~... youn-ng girrrl" I almost gagged in disgust, not to mention the reek of alcohol. I put my hand in my pocket taking hold of my knife. "Let's dooo something fu~unn." the scum grins. "uh-huh." I say sadistically, before stabbing his hand off of my shoulder, making the drunk shout in agony, this stabbing of his hand, was quickly followed by his neck; and there he dropped, bleeding to death. I wallet falls out of his pocket, which of course I grab, and manage to get $200. – I look up, and suddenly I realise where I was. I was at the place that I called home. The place I used to go home to. My parents, my family. Everything that I loved. I didn't know what to do. They would realise what their daughter really was, what a freak they were. I tear off a page in my note and write my last message and drop it at the front door.

A truck drives by, so I jumped into the trailer, and let it take me to wherever.

I flip open my knife... for the however many timeth today.... And cut myself. 8 or 9 years ago. When I was around 7. I would have a great day at school, be with people I loved, come home, hug my parents, have a comfortable night, and sleep well. To think that was only several years ago. The grammatic change in my life. How a gratuitous depression, could just change everything.


My thoughts were interrupted by the sudden breaks. A wide road behind me. I stepped out of the ute tray. There was a small house on one side of the road, and a deep dark forest on the other. I was about to turn away, when a small black object on the car seat, caught my eye through the open door. A gun. I approach the car, slowly, without getting noticed I grab the gun and a small bag filled with bullets. I was about to turn and leave; the man saw me. I lifted the gun, to point it at him and he steps back in surrender, I lower the gun and walk into the forest.

Switchblade Jade, Creepypasta Where stories live. Discover now