chapter 2

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Gaz: so care to explain what up with himSo, while you were gone last night, Zim came to our door and he was hurting really bad so obviously I let him in *I speak fast as I enter rant mode*Gaz:ok but why he could of been faking dibYou can't fake bleeding Gaz!Gaz:fake blood dib I took him down to Dad's home lab thing in the basement and helped with his side and he had this shock collar thing stuck on him by his leadersGaz:what ok no that's messed up So I helped Zim take off his shirt and I ripped it off, which was really hard cuz that little thing fried my arms and Zim passed out Gaz:wait why didnt u just use siccorsI didn't think of that in the moment okay!!!Gaz ok ok I u we hear a scream come from upstairs I can't explain it I just- I had to do something in the moment and do it nowGaz d did you hear that*I look a her with worry in my eyes as we both start to scramble up the stairs*Thrashes under the blanket *Gaz and I pull the blanket up*NO NO P PLEASE M MY TALLEST I IT HURTS crying Gaz: What's going on!?!?He's having another one of those dreams!G GET OF M ME PLEASE MY ACKGaz:w was he*I try and hold you from behind to stop the thrashes*Nononono p please n no more crying Zim, Zim It's okay-It's not real*I speak loudly hoping you can hear meIt's just a dream! Wake up!Eyes stout open crying hugs dib D d dib beast crying harderIt's okay, *I squeeze hug you back as you tuck you're head into my chest*I'm here, it's meS sniff *I rub my hand over you're head, lightly passing by you're antenna*Purrr*I move my hand back in surprise*?*worried I hurt you, so I wrap my hand around you into a hug* you okay now *noticing you're heart rate slowing*Gaz: did he just purCuddles into dib I don't know *I lip sync silently to Gaz**Some blush pokes at my face as I rub you're back slightly* I'll take that as a yes thenPurs more*a smile grows on my face as we sat there, I continued to give you back rubs*Purs louder Falls asleep hugging dib*I feel relaxed, almost forgetting Gaz was there*Gaz:you like him dont you smirks *my eyes shot open as I instatly became flustered blush rushing over my face like a river* I do notHe's my enemy- Gaz:OMG YOU DO*I debate, not anymore he isn't, *not after what I know now*what are we now. . . .*I'm lost in thoughtTears up I I'm still your enemyGets up limps out the door *my eyes widen as I pull my head away to look at him* YOU HEARD THAT!?!?Smiles weakly nono I'm a alien I understand *I don't know how to respond, i just sit there horrified having no idea how to approach the situation*Bye dib limps into my base and shut the door *I cover my mouth* omg. . . *I whisper*The next day at skool*I set my bag down and sit at my desk*Hisses in pain hits the wall cough G GIR cough S STOPZim isnt in skool yet*my heads feels cloudy as I wanted to run to Zim but how could I even talk to him after the stunt I just pulled*class hasn't started yet, as I stared at the windowDib phone rings*I jump as I fumble to grab my phone out for my bag*Hello? *I answer walkong out of the class with my bag, maybe a walk around the halls will clear my headYou see it was zim calling*it was early so barely any kids there at the skool yetYou hear faint screams *my eyes widen as I almost immediately made a beeline for the closest exit*Ck g gir p please gets punched s stopGir:nighty night master stabs zimScreams in pain *I sprinted my way down to you're house, having fought Zim for so long, I was pretty fast and had a lot of stamina, I made it to you're door at good time and went down to the lab after hearing screams*ZIM!?!?! *I scream trying to find youD dib nnnD dib beast o over h herFaints*I sprinted towards you notucing Gir's eyes were red and about to attack you*D dib b beast eyes open abit *I held my bag in my hand the the strap and ramed it straight into gir, launching him into a wall*Crying in pain *I knelt down, my pants and shins dipping into a pool of blood* Zim!! C coughI raised you're head up into my arms preparing to pick you up until I was hit swiftly in the back*D dib*my eyes widened with pain as I held you closer trying to protect you*D dib beast!D dib a are you o ok*I was grabbed by the woosh in my hair and pulled away from youLands on my injured side screams *almost instantly afterwards Gir slammed my head down into the metal floor*I I'm s sorry gir shots girCrawls over to dib d dib beastTears up*I try to move as best I could towards you blood had splattered from the face* Zim are you okay!?!?D dib y your h head Weakly picks dib nbnn*I tried to lean up to face you* It's fin- *my eyes widen as i scream in pain*Zi.m runs to the hospital h help*pain shots through my spine as I gribbed you're arm tightly*Runs into the building h helpAnties are showing *The people in the waiting room scream thinoing you hurt me as security separates us almost instantly*Falls I try to reach out but is swiftly taken to emergency as i black outP please cough t take c care o of dib Later in the my hospital room Gaz enters quicklyGets put into a poice cadGaz:DIB a are you okWhere's Zim? *I mutter faintlyLooks at the police officers scared Gaz: I idkW where we g going What happened? How am I here? *I musterGaz:zim bright u here Officer 1: . . . *scared silenceW what y you going t to do t to m meOfficer 2: *is on the radio speaking frantically*Wimpers hisses in painOfficer 1: Where am I driving Kat!?!?! Shaking P please d dont hurt m meOfficer 2: Station Len!!! I don't want this thing with us either!!!! Wimpers Officer 1: It's making weird noises!!!! W where we g going Officer 2: They said to just take it to the station and somebody will take it!Shaking hard I w want d dibOfficer 1:KAT WHAT IS IT SAYINGThey arrive at the staionCrying harder P please *people in covered suits shove you into a thick metal car surrounded by multiple officers*Yelps in painHolds side in pain*they slam the door and soon you start to move on bumpy terrain*W where we g going Anties lower *you speak to a black empty room as no light shows through*Cowes in the corner crying I w want d dib s stink*Back to the hospital room* What do you mean you don't know!? *I raise my voice to be met witha cough*Gaz:I mean he wasnt here when I got hereLooks outside sees a building wimpers If he brought me here then did they- *tears filled my eyes out of both phisical and emotional pain, I didn't want to even say it* Gaz:hey hey he might of gone home*His heart rate rose more and more* What about his disgise?? He didn't have one on!!Sees the doors opens crying Gaz:dib breath Cowers in the connor P please d dont h hurt meWhat if they're taking him away to some unknown place!?! What if they're trying to disect him right now!?!?!?! *Tears flew down my cheeks as I started to get swallowed into my thoughts*Back with zimGuard1: shoves you into a large glass boxSees the doors open cowers in the connor YelpW what's g going o onThe room contained a paper thin, scratchy looking blanket in a corner and a hole in the ground with water in it.Wimpers *two news people came up with a camera and and clipboard*Cowers in the conerP please d dont h hurt m meP1 began taking photos of the area and followed you around the outside tryung to get pictures Wimpers

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