chapter 6

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Glitches *membrane forcefully grabs Zim in a panicked way as P2 ran in*Struggling hard eyes keeps changing from white to magenta n nnnnP2: WHAT DID YOU DO *she yelled, shoving P1 aside and  eye to eye with membraneMem: I- I just, I needed to know the truth-Glitches moreP2: YOU ALREADY HAD IT!!!!!! *She grabs you out of his hands**she holds you against her, you're head leaning over her shoulder*Tears up in pain n nnnn What EXACTLY did you use!?!Struggling nononono grones l let g go no h hurting struggling I d dong gliches w want t t to h h hurt Mem: . . .MS_14C2 *he sounded defeated and upset as he spokeGets lost runs out the door look at the sky shakes their head runs into the forestGiggles rocks back and forward monster t that's hehe what I amTHAT'S FOR MACHINES, YOU IDIOT!!!! *she was royally pissed, others who were watching looked shocked at what she said,as she whipped around to chase after you**P2 wandering through the forest having list you're trail*Zim???Grabs head in pain SHUT UP SHUT UP bangs head on the tree *P2 hears a distant banging and heads toward the sound* Ziiim! *she continues to call out*Continue hiting head harder making it bleedZim! Zi- *she finds you and grabs you quickly* WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?! *she shouted at you, she sounded a mixture of mad and worried*Backs away fast S STAY AWAY F FROM M ME tears up I I'll only h hurt y youGrips head in pain SHUT UP SHUT UP crying harder I d dont w want t to h hurt anyone crying *she jolts back but moves forward* Zim! It's okay- ITS N NOT OK I IM A M MONSTER rips my pak out OH MY GID3!! *She rushes over toward you*Throws it far away from me crying (God lolFalls forward *She scrambles up to you having you fall in her arms as she searches for the pak* ohgodohgodohgodohgodRelaxes abit Twitches abitEyes open abit p p2?*she spots the pak and grabs it tight* yeah, it's me*not knowing she said the prase Dib always did*D dib b beast?W what's t these n numbers I its r relaxing*she sprints towards the closest transportation pod* hang in thereSmiles gently h heh a at l least I c cant h hurt a anyone *she jumps in the pod and puts up the speed to the research station on max speed* you haven't hurt anyoneEyes start to close I h hurt t the g guards*she holds you aganist her, not caring that magenta stained her white coat as she placed her sleave over you're back to stop bleeding*It was involuntary, you won't hurt anyoneY you cough a should j just l let m me d dieEyes start to close Don't be ridiculous, I would never *she spoke firmly* you'll be okayGoses dead waited in your arms faintsPak:5 minits before host dies please re connect *she grips you tigher* ?? Host-*she swiftly grabs the pak and moved her arm away, placing it against you're back*Pak reconnectes shocks zim Cough cough coughLeans into p2*she holds you tighter* it's okay, you're okay, I'm here

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2022 ⏰

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