chapter 4

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Eyes closeRelaxes abit zzzzIf he forgives you, I do. . . Eyes shot open jumps in front of membrane as a beam came out of his pak *everyone became alert*Flys into the wall Takes the hit falls foward*Memebrane grabs you and pulls you towards him as more people run in*Gasping for airDoc: Kid! What's going on? *he sounded worried*Clawing at my neckDoc feels on your neck quicklyGasp gaspHe's not breathing!!....Looks up at the doctor scared gasp gaspP2 started hitting his back, while Doc grabbed something from the cartC cough gaspCoughs up blood Gasp gasp*he placed it on your chest and pressed a button that started to make you feel kind of numb as he had you bend over so that your face was facing the groundThrows up yellow stuff from the pak attack and bloodChocking noises *Doc continued to pat his back* Come on, you can do itOne last gag and it's outGags throws up the beam huff huffHe helps you bend you're back straight but leaves the device on youHuff huff nnEyes open abit Just breath *Doc reassured* deep breathesBreathing in coughM memb cough cough I d didnt h hit cough d did i itCough cough cough Shhh, just breath *Doc said again* Breathes in slowly Breathes out*Membrane helps you sit down*Breathing normalyAlright, what were you going to say? P2 askedD did it h hit any o of y you guysOh no no no, not at all *P2 reassuredP promise Are you hurt at all? *Doc asked, now removing the deviceWe promiseM my neck h hurts I h heard I c could k kill a t tallestCoughs up abit more bloodDoc felt lightly around your neck Wimpers in pain Guard 3 um producer you have a callYou see sore, dehydrated, and may have an internal issue*Membrane stood up* I'll be right backWho is it from?Guard 3 leavesLooks up weakly nnnnPicks up phone* Hello?Gaz:hey dad hows workAh, Gazline dear! It's going well, how are you and Dib?Gaz:I'm good dib ... is in pain May I speak with him?Gaz sure hands the phone to dibDib nnn h hey dadHey Dad *speaks weakly*Hey son how you feelingThey said that my lower spine might need surgery but my face is in tact.Looks past the doctor WATCH tackles him takes a fighting stance at the walldo you know where the person who dropped me off is yet?Pm:sorry son I dont *I sighed*Pm:ok son I have to go now okK Dad, Luv uPM love you to tell gaz I lovd her toBye DadPM hangs upTackles the doctor to the ground EVERYONE GET DOWN Guards start to rush the areaStruggling GET OFF ME trying to get loose of the guardsP2 and Doc are rushed out of the areaThey drop zim sweating hardGuards rush out and lock the containment with you insideStabs through the glass With pak leg And alarm begins to go offSweating hard runs out Professor Membrane, P2, and Doc are immediately transferred as more guards are brought to sceneSnaps out of it h huh w what's g go ackYou're immediately tackled by somebody Hits the floor hard tears up s stop your h hurting m MeCrying You're collectively moved to a new area with guards positions with guards positioned at each corner and outside of the room and the entrance to the unitFells something goes into my neck passes outN nn slowly coming two Sees p2 outside of the door W what h happened grones

Sits up*P2 keeps clipboard tight in hand as two guards follow behind her*Frowns as they ignore meG guysP2:We never finished you're question list for today *she spoke as stern as she couldFliches o okHugs legs*she clears her throat as the guards stand at ready at her sides and returns to a cold demeanor as she had before when they first met* Why have you come to Earth?I w was f forced h here b by my tallest To .... take over*Jotting notes down* Who are the TallestT tallest red a and t tallest purple *she haults as guards peak up and tense*Shaking You're here to invade. . .? *she spoke hesitantly, as guards shifted their weapons in case of an attack*Nods b but I d dint w want to h heart anyone tears up*P2 jots down more notes* What is a, Tallest, why did they send you here to invadeM my leaders a and sniff I idk*she spoke fast, adrenaline spiked but she remained outwardly calm* how long have you been trying to invade3 y years*the guards sat in uncomfortable silence shifting back and forth at times*Earth years?Nods I think*P2 releases a shaky breathe that she'd held in* You said you were forced to come here, where would you hadn't been?... probly a toyBy what means?Tears up n no comment *she jolts, remembering the moments before your outburst* were those two aliens you're leaders?Nodd slowly *she forces herself to rrmain professional why seeing you upset*Crying Why did you you attack us *she asked without thinking as guards looked at her for a split second, panicked in worry of another episodeFlash b backs*she stepped back as the guards behind her moved slightly up in front*Shaking Kid. . . *P2 sound frightened*Looks up Guard1: I don't think it's safe Miss Balenja, I'll escort yo-Miss Balenja = P2Crying Hugs legs crying harderYes do, Ineed to speak with the Professor*P2 looks away from youRocking *P2 is escorted out leaving you with tbe guardsCrying Professor? *P2 knocks on the door of Membrane's officeHeh looks at hands shakingLooks up Dm3 was compliant to the questions but held silent we I mentioned the attack(By the way Dm3 stands for Dangerous Miscellaneous number 3(Brb(AlrightI I'm a m monster Sees the bucket of water smiles weakly pours it all over myself screams in pain Coves mouth to not alert anyone Crying hard thinks I d deserve t this (U here)*P2 re enters* given you're results we may ha- OH MY GODEyes start to close *the scream alert guards instantly*Bleeding heavily A guard yelled *somebody get Doc!!Looks up weakly smiles weakly before fainting Looks up at p2 coughs up blood *Doc enters quickly and is brought into the containment with guards*Trying to keep eyes open Who was the idiot that didn't remove the water in the new unit!! *He yelled as he swung a cloth over you, trying to dry you're vital areas firstFliches weakly Relax kid, you'll be okay, Grunts in pain*He spoke as he dried your arms with light squeezes* this will sting but you gotta stay calm, no kicking alrightNodsTears up coughs up blood w whyHe took out six small devices and placed one on you're forehead, each shoulder, chest, and two on the legsLooks up weakly *thet soon started to travel over damaged skin, repairing it as it traveled* Gasp Trys to stay still grunts in painRelax, it's helping you *Doc steps away to let the machines work*Crying I d dont deserve I it Pak legs quickly comes outThey burst through the wall*Guards pull Doc back and point their guns at you, not shooting, but ready to do so if needed**more entered to aidI c cant c control themKid just calm down, *Doc said* take some deep breathsThe pak runs for the doorEepA guard tackles you as Doc is rushed out and the door is shutLocking you and six other guards insideCrying Guards grabbed the pak legs, imobilizing them and two held you to stop you from movingOne still stood with their gun in case you attackefScreams in pain since the pak is sentiveCalm down and you won't get hurt *one of them said*just hold still *another saidShaking nods*the guards hold you down lightened their weight so you were more just laying on the floor then being squished while you're pak legs were held in control, thrashing trying to escape*Is there any way you can stop them!? *A guard from behind you yelled**the people struggled to keep them in their grasp*

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