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The sheets lay crumpled in disarray, the flowers with their scattered petals resembled a bloody mess and a girl’s battered expectations were dying a silent death. Her emotions were struggling—hard with utmost grit. It wanted to feel— something, anything..

She yearned for cuddles, he gave lacerations. She chased after pleasures, he inflicted pain. She wanted to hold hands, he pinned them down.

A day that was ought to splendour in whispers of multiple promises and passion was plagued with agony and torment. And inside a ten by ten room in the heart of Kolkata, a girl lay bleeding— naked, ravished and raped.

Exactly, in the same room and near the opposite wall, a man sat dishevelled, crouched against the corner with his trousers hanging loose near the torso. His trembling frame and drooping posture spoke of the turmoil, with a stupefied expression he gazed at the bloodshot eyes of his wife—they were swollen and fierce, an erupting volcano. It wasn’t exhilaration that he felt, it was raw fear.

“What did I get myself into?” he thought.

And as the clock struck twelve signifying the dawn of a new beginning, both of them quivered at the sight of the other. For one, the night was traumatic. For the other, the trauma could scar a lifetime.

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