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Magical time skip to the day before the ski trip. Lizzie, Joel, Jack, Jimmy, Yammy, Shelby, Lauren and Bobby have already gone to the resort, as they couldn't get seats on the flight that Oli Scott and Callum are going on. Oli and Callum have come to Scott's house for the night so they can all go to the airport together.   It's around 9am. Their flight the next day is at 10am.

Callum's P.O.V - 8th June
Well... this is awkward. The two people I love most in the world around me at the same time. I mean... should I do something? I need to come out to the group before the parade, since Scott brought me an adorable hoodie that matches his (different colours though, obviously) and I'm going to the parade. I guess I'll figure something out!

Oli's P.O.V - 8th June
What's up my-
No, that's weird haha.
I'm ExCiTeD!! I get to see Yammy, laugh at Jimmy falling over, ski... it'll be great! Although, Callum is acting... strangely. Not badly or anything, just like something is bothering him. He keeps looking at me, then at Scott, who clearly knows something and keeps smiling supportively and hugging him. Wait... are they... DATING?! No, no way. Callum and Tia are together. And besides, Callum's straight... he doesn't like boys that way. But, he's like a changed man. Like he's realised something inside of him, something he's been reaching for his whole life. Also... normally Cal won't shut up about Tia (salt in the wound for Scott I guess haha), but he hasn't mentioned her once since I've seen him. Now that I mention it... he's hardly spoken today.

Scott's P.O.V - 8th June
I can tell Cal is stressed and confused. It's kinda funny to be fair. He sits in silence on my sofa and keeps looking at Oli, with something in his eyes. Like regret... but that's not all. It's almost as if... Callum loves Oli! But... that'll never happen. Oli likes Yammy! And to be fair, Oli is completely oblivious. He just won't shut up about the ski trip. But then as soon as Oli looks at Cal, Callum will turn his head to look at me. I just smile and get up to go sit with him.
"Scott... I haven't been here in ages! Where's the loo again?" asks Oli. It's only been a couple of months since I've moved into this house, and Oli's never seen it.
"Well, considering you've never actually been in my house before, it's hardly surprising that you can't remember where it is!" I chuckle, beckoning for him to follow me.
"Ah. I thought it looked new," Oli says, laughing at his own stupidity. He follows me and I direct him to the bathroom.
"Oli! You do know what the toilet is, right? Last time you were at my house you peed in the bathtub and the kitchen sink!" Callum laughs, finally speaking like his old self.
"I'm a changed man, Callum," is Oli's reply.

Callum's P.O.V - 8th June
Finally... some alone time with Scott.
"You alright?" He asks as he walks into the room. "You're really quiet today."
"Yeah... I'm fine. Just stressed."
"Cal, I know it's hard, but they're all going to accept you. They've accepted me as a gay, and Shelby as an asexual."
"Yeah... I know. I just feel bad that, after all we've been through together, I'm lying to Oli about-"

Olis P.O.V - 8th June
"- I'm lying to Oli about Tia... and everything!"
That's what I hear Callum say as I walk down the stairs towards the room where the boys are. I knew they were hiding something! Well, I guess I'll have to confront Cal now.
"Callum... what's going on?" I say as I walk into the living room, finding Scott with his arms wrapped around Cal. "you've been acting strangely, you haven't been talking, and you haven't spoken about Tia. I'm not gonna judge you. whatever has happened, I'll be here for you."
They're silent, stunned by my sudden outburst.
Dang it. Why do I always screw things up?, I ask myself.

Callum's P.O.V - 8th June
At this point I just break down. I can't do this anymore. I really can't. I need to tell Oli, before someone else does.

Scotts P.O.V - 8th June
Here we go... this could be fun. I beckon Oli over to sit the other side of Callum, who promptly starts to cry again. He's an absolute emotional wreck at the moment.
"Callum, you're the only one who can tell him."
Cal nods in reply, and me and Oli put our arms around his shoulders, waiting for him to explain.

Callum's P.O.V - 8th June
Well... here goes nothing. I'm about to tell my oldest friend that I've been lying to him about my entire life for the past 4 weeks.
"Oli. I'm so, so sorry. You've been my best friend for my entire life, and I owe everything to you. I've been lying, about everything, to you for the last month. I'm truly a terrible person, and I hope you can forgive me after this. Every time we've messaged , every time we've called, every time we've done a collab in the last four weeks, I've wanted to tell you. But it just didn't feel right."
As I speak, I realise how true these words are. I also realise that both Scott and Oli have wrapped their arms around my shoulder, and that their thighs are touching mine. Scott is wiping away my tears, and smoothing out my hair. He knows how hard this is for me. He knows the pain I'm going through.
I stand up, ready to react to whatever Oli does next.
"And the truth is Oli... I'm single... Tia dumped me. And before you ask why, it's because... I'm Bisexual."
I feel Oli's heart shatter, and black spots cloud my vision. I faintly feel arms round my neck, and a head next to my ear. Then, I pass out.

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