1: A Myth

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'It started many...many years ago.

A man and a woman, both of noble lineage, but situated on opposite ends of Cradle, attended a masquerade. It was the same noble party that had withstood the tests of time, and continued, year after year after year; becoming a tradition that lasted continuous generations.

Being the only two people without a partner, they were forced to dance together that night. One short waltz to the graceful notes of the violin as it played; entrancing the crowd that hid behind their masks.

Some would call a single dance just a fleeting, singular moment. But the man and woman, at that time, felt an even stronger connection. They stepped in perfect balance, waltzing alongside eachother like two puzzle pieces that fit together perfectly.

That was the first and last moment that the two of them would ever be single again.

The masquerade that year - history proved that it was once just a celebration of the noble class. But the annual balls that followed after shifted and changed, becoming different each December from then on. And it was all thanks to them: the two that met, and fell in love, with a single dance.

Years passed, and the couple became infamous. They were the famed guests of the party, enticing fundraisers, celebrities, Magic bearers, and vendors from all across Cradle to attend the masquerade they now owned. As time raged on, no longer were they just two people in a crowd, but they were the exact noble lineage that was celebrated across the land. And hundreds of people attended each year, wishing to glimpse just a fleeting moment of the life that they lived, and to be a part of their inner circle of prowess and royal purpose.

Over time, an invitation was not just a greeting, but sought after as one of the highest honours of the land. If you were both of proper descent and lucky enough to receive one, it always read the exact same powerful words:

'You are formally invited to the December Masque: A celebration of the Noble Birthright of the Clemence Family. Prepare for a night of mystique, mystery and grace, for this summons is not just a request, but also a proposal.

Come experience a single night within the light of nobility, and dance among the stars of royalty.'

The gathering always rewarded its guests year after year; becoming bigger and bigger, with more enticing entertainment and luxurious foods from the farthest reaches of Cradle. Once Mr. and Mrs. Clemence birthed their first son, Jonah, he too was paraded around the event; the first child of the royals of the December Masque. That year, riots and fights broke out outside the event gates, wishing to see a mere glimpse of the beauty of the famed Noble son.

And to this day, even after birthing a second son named Luka and continuing to hold countless royal banquets, the infamous secret Masque continues on. Over the years, rumours of even more Clemence relatives have graced the papers as onlookers hope to catch new siblings and children as they attend, much like any royal family that is always kept behind a sheet of glass; protected forevermore from the public. Even one such words of gossip, fathoming a third son with black and white hair that grew up outside of the public's knowledge, became a myth of legend that was never truly confirmed by the Clemence family, but was also never denied, either.

Over time, the Clemence family fell prey to many rumours. However, none were ever confirmed.

But even now...if you went to ask a single person in Central, either of poverty or power, of the December Masque, anyone, no matter who they were, would always say:

'That event is one that is so luxurious, it is held in absolute mystery. Not a single person knows how to get invited, nor when, or where, they will receive their proposal. All we know, is that the Clemence Family is one of such impactful lineage....that even being graced with their presence is an undue honour, unlike any other. They are perfect, and not a single trivial situation could harm their royal prestige.'

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