17: Up in Flames

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(Alice's P.O.V)

I felt so frantic, I knew I wasn't thinking clearly.

Panicked and confused by Edgar's sudden appearance and explanation, I dashed down the Red Castle hallways, rushing through various Red Army soldiers and nearly knocking down a group that got in my way. I felt desperate, racing as fast as I could to get to the library.

What do I do? 

If I find out the truth...what will it be? What if it's something I can't fix?

Will I have the power to stop it? Can I somehow subdue Levie without hurting him? What leverage will this information give us? 

As I sprinted, I noticed a private who I often recognized supporting Jonah during skirmishes. Before I could even realise my sudden change in thoughts, I stopped infront of him and, panting heavily, drawled out my mismatched words.

"Edgar! Sir, you need to help Edgar!" I practically yelped at him through anxious, rushed breaths.

The man paused and stared at me.

"Lieutenant Bright? He is still missing, m'lady..."

"He's outside! In the courtyard! Running into the forest! Please,  he's hurt! You need to find him!!" As soon as I mentioned his status, the man's eyes widened.

"You've...seen him? He's hurt?"

"You must hurry!! He passed by me literally minutes ago, and he was gravely injured! Raise the alarm to the King!"

My demands met his ears and shook him into action.

"Y-yes M-miss!!" He saluted me fast then dashed from the direction I'd just come from to try and determine what was going on. I turned sidelong and continued to sprint towards the library, desperate to find my answer.

Edgar would hopefully be fine now. If they could just find him, they could help him.

Now, I had to fulfill his demands.

Look for the historic texts. Investigate the answers. Find the truth that has been kept so secret this whole time.

And...stay confident.

You can do this.

Within minutes, I burst through the wood panelled doors and clambered into the dusty room with plush carpet and the smell of old, worn paper. Luckily, the library wasn't often busy, so as I searched through the aisles, I found not another soul in the area.

Good. I needed privacy. I needed to find this book, and quickly.

Historic texts had to be in the history and literature section. As I thought of the exact spot to locate the books, I could feel my pulse pounding and my fingers shaking.

Edgar was hurt. Jonah, Luka and Ray as well. Everyone had been hurt by Levie. And now he was coming after me; hurting other people to get to me.

Edgar had said it. The words I'd never expected to hear:

Levie's mother was not the same woman as Jonah and Luka's mother. She was a different person altogether.

Alice the first.

My throat felt dry as I touched the spine of each book. My eyes were vibrating as I searched endlessly.

Tell me. What did Alice the first really have to do with any of this?

Without knowing...

Was she the reason Levie was so angry? So infuriated and abusive..?

Did she...did she cause the hatred in his heart?

Then, I gasped.

"Cradle Historian. Vol.1."

I found it.

Shatter: A Jonah Clemence x MC Romance (Ikemen Revolution)Where stories live. Discover now