Chapter 1: Moving

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Hey guys! Sooo, first chapter is uploaded. I really hope you like it! Feedback is really important to me, so if you think there is anything I need to improve on you can leave it out in the comment section. Enjoyyy!

You walked around the house drinking in every single detail. You felt sad that you were going to leave the house in which you grew up in. But, unfortunately fate had other plans. Your mother had a job opportunity all the way in Beijing, China. "Dre! Y/N! It's time to go!" mom calls out. You sighed softly and looked back at your room saying a silent goodbye you closed the door softly and walked away.

Mom, Dre and you were outside saying goodbyes to your family as you were about to get inside the taxi, someone grabbed your arm "Y/N" that person hissed "Y/BFF/N?" you asked as he/she hugged you tightly "take this" she whispered as she handed something hard to you. You looked down and realized that it was her new painting set. "Y/BFF/N!" "I can't accept this!" you said as you tried to push it back to her "no, Y/N" "it's a gift from me to you, remember me when you paint, yes?" she asks sounding rushed "I will, Y/BFF/N" you promised tears pricking your eyes as you both hugged one last time, you got into the taxi with your family you both waved to each other until Y/BFF/N was just a tiny dot. You turned around again and slumped in your seat.

You were on the plane now. Dre and Mom were trying to practice mandarin but failing miserably when mom asked Dre to say something to the man on the other side in mandarin "hlly hry tou" in mandarin you giggled silently " as if you know Y/N!" he said glaring "I actually do." you say smirking , he looked shocked but glared "see Dre? Y/N knows!" mom said and they both went back to practicing, you leaned back in your seat.

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