Chapter 8

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Heyyy, alright so my dad allowed me to use Wattpad after exams, so here is a chapter for you!!!

You and Mei wake up to the smell of breakfast, your stomach rumbled as you desperately needed breakfast. You and Mei grudgingly got up brushed your teeth, had a bath (I support LGBTQ, but you're not having a bath together). 

"Good morning sleepyheads" smiles Sherry.

"Good morning" you yawn.

"Here is breakfast". She made some delicious Doriyaki pancakes (yes I know it's Japanese but it's delicious nonetheless). You both hungrily ate it in like 5 mins.

Then you both got changed for school and made your way to school. Where you met the one and only LuWei Cheng! He smirked in your direction and walked away with his friends.

You rolled your eyes and walked to class where you unfortunately sat behind LuWei. He kept troubling you throughout the entire class, he kept tapping and whispering to you trying to get your attention but you didn't reply at all. 

Finally when the bell rang to go to the next class, you jumped up, packed your things and RAN your way to the next class, where you fortunately didn't have Cheng, and you sat down next to Meiying and you chatted away together in Mandarin.

~one hour later~

The bell rang and everyone made their way to the cafeteria to get food, today was a good food day, there were noodles, salad and some spicy potatoes. You, Mei and Dre sat together at the lunch table, after 20 minutes the bell rang again to signify classes start again.

After school you walk back home with Dre, once you reach home Mom is not there but she kept some money for dinner, saying she won't be back till late in the night. 

You sat down on your bed and saw the paper Cheng gave you. You shrugged figuring it wouldn't hurt to message him.

~you're italics, Cheng is bold~

Hey, it's Y/n

Hey, took you long enough to msg me.

If you don't stop being mean to me, I will never talk to you again.

OMG, I'm so scared

You better! I'm very scary

Lmao, yeah right you're like an otter, too cute.

*insert blushing emoji* Stahppp, you're making me blush!

Awww, you're actually so cuteee

Omg stop, I'm actually redder than a brick now.

*laughing emoji* Okay, I gtg now Mom is calling.

See ya tomorrow !

*kissing emoji* byee

Omg stahppp

~end of text conversation~

You flop down on your bed, blushing intensely. 

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