Chapter 2

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A/N: Hey! Sorry for not uploading in a long time. I have a whole load of studying to do this year, I finally got the chance to update my book, so... here is my new chapter! I hope you enjoy it! :)

You, Dre and Mom landed in the China airport. You had gotten all of your baggage from the baggage claim and were now on the way outside the airport, as you were about to step out a feminine voice called out "Mrs. Packer?" you all turned around to see a woman probably in her late twenties holding a sign that read 'Mrs. Packer' "Oh! Um... It's actually Parker not Packer" mom said "oh...sorry" and with all that confusion and a bit of correcting here and there you were finally in the car on the way to the apartment you will be staying in when suddenly the car came to a sudden stop you looked up to see a building that says 'Beverly Hills Apartments' "see? Not everything here is old, Dre." says mom. Dre rolled his eyes and walked towards the apartment where an old man was standing . "Hello" Dre started and the man looked up and then he said "could you please tell us where our apartment is?" Dre asks politely. The man looks extremely confused, laughing silently you stepped in to the conversation "Hello, could you please tell us which floor is our apartment in?" you ask politely in mandarin "ah" said the man said some directions in mandarin to which you nodded and went towards the lift with mom and Dre. "Which floor?" Dre asks "third floor apartment 301 (A/N: I don't remember the flat number so I'm putting a random one)" "ok" he says,

You three reach the third floor, and were met with a boy around your age "Hello, I'm Harry, you must be the new neighbors" he says holding his hand out to shake "yes, I'm Dre and this is Y/N" he says as they shook hands. "well, if you need me I will be down in the park playing" he said smiling and he walked off "oh! Look at you two making friend already" mom coos happily. You and Dre walk into the apartment it was small but cozy the woman and mom were conversing about the bills and everything, while Dre being the idiot he is left his jacket on the floor AGAIN. 

"DRE" mom screeched, yep here it comes again. "YES MOM?" Dre shouts from the living room while watching TV "PICK YOUR JACKET OFF THE FLOOR" he sighed got up picked up the jacket off the floor and hung on the coat hanging thingy. "Good" says mom and hugged Dre close pulling me in. "Why don't you ever listen?" mom asks sighing at Dre "Sorry, it's because of the airplane-lag" mom laughs softly pulling him in again "jet lag" mom answers as Dre hums in reply.

~Time skip to you brought by Dre's airplane lag~

Soon enough you and Dre were downstairs you holding Y/BFF/N painting and drawing kit with a drawing book. "Make sure he doesn't get into trouble Harry!" you yell walking away from them Harry cackling and Dre groaning "Will do Y/N" Harry calls out, you nod approvingly and sat down on the grass field of the park, thinking of an inspiration for your next drawing. You noticed a young girl around Dre and your age reading a bunch of papers which appears to have musical notes on them. Your smile widens and you start to draw her soon enough you have the light shape of her and start to darken the lines and shading her drawing, when suddenly a football came out of nowhere and hit your hand causing the pencil to fly out of your hand and the drawing to have a bold dark line that ruined the whole drawing. You sighed in annoyance turning to see what idiot did this, soon you met the eyes of a person glaring at you "what?" you ask the person in mandarin "give me my ball" he says gritting his teeth in annoyance, obviously wanting to get this conversation over with, you sigh a little and pass the ball over not wanting to get into a fight on your first day in Beijing. He looks a little surprised at you and nods a little in thanks and quickly walks away. You rolled your eyes weird boy you thought and went back to trying to erase out the bold line out of the drawing. 

~time skip to the fight~

You were finally done with the masterpiece you examined it with a happy smile, you leaned over the book to see if you got the girl's features correctly when suddenly you heard someone shouting in mandarin you look over in panic only to see Dre on the ground clutching his stomach in pain, Harry being held back as he yelled at his hostage to let him go, the girl you were drawing also was held back. The boy who had ruined your drawing loomed over Dre glaring at him he raised his hand to give the final punch oh hell no you thought running over to them and grabbing the boy's wrist and pushing back from Dre "that's enough" you say glaring at him too "stay out of this fight girl, you don't want to protect the wrong people" he says still glaring at Dre, he once again tries to punch Dre, but you once again stop him "I SAID ENOUGH" you scream pushing him back harshly "and what did I say?" he asks in a dangerously low voice you roll your eyes once again and crack your knuckles preparing to fight him. He smirks and tries to kick you but you expertly dodge and throw a punch at his stomach, he staggers and winces holding his stomach in pain he looks up again only to find you smirking at him getting ready, he kept trying to kick and punch you but you kept dodging and blocking his hits. When finally he gave up trying to defeat you and walked away, you scoffed as his friends followed him as well letting go of Harry and the girl you drew. You knelt down at Dre "you ok??" you ask him concerned "just fine" he groans holding his eye "Do you need help?" asks the girl looking at him concerned "NO, JUST GO" he says angrily towards Harry and the unknown girl "Dre" you warned, telling him to be nice he just groaned again laying down still holding his eye, after half an hour of groaning in pain he finally went home. You decide to go too after a few moments of sitting in silence. You dust off your clothes and start to walk away when a hand grabbed your wrist, you turned around to see the boy who beat up your brother, you crossed your arms "what do you want?" you ask angrily "what's your name?" he asks completely ignoring your question "ok, let me get this straight, you beat up my brother and ask for my name?" you ask furiously. He nods with a smirk. You roll your eyes and start to walk away when suddenly he grabbed your wrist again "what?!" you ask him annoyed "tell me your name then I will let you go" he says now looking like he meant business, you yank your wrist away and answer "my name is Hermione Granger" you say randomly and quickly run away before he could say anything.

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