Chapter 41 *Things Never go as Planned*

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Ross Pov

When I woke up this morning Ana Bell was curled up in a ball with the white blanket. I slowly got out of bed kissing her forehead. I got a fresh pair of clothes going to the bathroom to change.

When I was done Ana Bell was still sleeping. Soft snores leaving her body. So I decided to pack my clothes since tomorrow morning were leaving to continue out tour. I folded my clothes zipping up the bag. As I zip up the bag I heard Ana shuffling in the bed.

"Morning. " her sleepy voice said to me.

"Hey sleepy head."

"Packing already?" She noticed. "I don't want to leave you guys again?" She groaned getting out bed.

"Me neither ." I walked over to her hugging her tightly "Now go get dressed I want to go somewhere."

"Okay." She sighed sending me a lazy smile "Do you want me to call the others?"

"Um how about just you and I."

"Alright is it a date." She poked my sides.

"No where going out as friends." I could see a slight disappointment on her face. "Because I wanna make our first date special." I poked her nose.

"Okay I got you Ross." She giggled walking away to get a change off clothes.


"I'm ready Ross." I heard her yell as I layed in bed scrolling though my phone.

"Took you long enough." I rolled my eyes playfully she stuck her tounge out at me.

"Anyways did you tell the guys where going out." She looked in the mirror fixing the black beanie on her head.

"Yeah apparently Rodrick and Rydel are going out somewhere as well." I told her.

"How about the rest?" She was finally done checking jer appearance.

"Their just gonna be lazy and sleep."

"Of course they are." She sighed getting her phone of the table. "Let's go."


"Where are you taking me?" She kept asking though the whole time.

"Just to get a bite to eat then maybe ice cream and a walk on the park."

"Ice cream?" She questioned her eyebrow arched "Ross it's winter." She looked around at the white snow.

"So who cares?" I shurrged opening the door to a popular restaurant. I assumed to the amount of people.

"Alright then we can go swimming?" She teased.

"Sure why not?" I laughed as we waited for someone to give us a table.

"Hey there welcome would you like a booth or table?" A middle aged women asked.

"Give us a booth." I answered and she lead us though the maze of tables full of people.

"Here you are." She handed us two menus "I'll be right back to get your orders."

"I don't what I should get everything look so good." Ana's brown eyes skimmed the menu.

"Me neither." I looked though the menu.

"I think I'm gonna get a cheeseburger with French fries." She finally settled closing her menu.

She neatly set the menu down. Folding her hands over it staring at me.

"What?" I smiled at her.

"Oh nothing." She turned her head to the window looking at how busy people walked outside.

"No tell me." I whined like a child and the waitress came back to get our orders giving me wired look.

"Now what will you two kids be having?" She got out her note pad and pen ready to write down.

"I want a cheeseburger with no onions and a side of french fries and a Coke." she said handing her the menu.

"And I'll have the New Yorker hot dog and a side of french fries and a Coke." I ordered.

"Alright I'll be right back with that." She sent us a bright smile with her red lips.

"So are you going to tell me what where you thinking of?" I asked still curious.

"Well..." she began "I never thought I would like you. Since your like my best friends brother. I always told myself not to fall for you."

"Well I never thought that either now look at us." I held her hand "And yeah I never thought I would fall in love with my sisters best friend."

"Things never go as planned."


"It's so cold." Ana Bell shivered as we walked around the park with ice cream cones in our hands. "Where so stupid buying ice cream in the winter." She laughed.

"I know." I laughed wrapping my arm around her shoulders.

"So what are you going to visit your family in Colorado?" She snuggled next to me.

"Yup I can't wait to play some hockey with the cousins." I said as I bit my ice cream cone. "And aren't you going to do some festival in Chicago?"

"Yup its going to be so fun." She jumped up joy "One Direction gonna be their Taylor Swift, Megan Trainor, and I think Nick Jonas."


"I know I can't wait." She finished her ice cream and so did I.

"Come let's go back to the hotel." I turned another direction.

"I don't want to I still need to pack." She whined like a child.

"Oh come on Annie."

"Alright Rosser." She kissed my cheek. I could feel my cheeks grow redder even more from the cold weather outside.

A/n: thanks for reading guys. And I've decided that I'm going to counting the book. Then when I finish I might do like a little squeal with them together.


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