Chapter 36 *Let's stay Friends for now*

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Ana Bells Pov

I look outside the window as the car passed by fast. I still kind of shocked off the whole kiss. Did he really all those things of how he loves me? How long has he loved me? Where does this leaves us? Are we still friends or more? I felt someone tap my shoulder.

"Ana Ana." I finally looked at him "I've been calling you for minutes."

"What do you want?"

"I was going to ask you what fast food restaurant you want to stop at?" He asked annoyed. "Me and Ed agreed on McDonald's. "

"That's fine." I nodded my head.

"Cool I'll go tell the bus driver." He walked to the bus driver.

I kept wondering where this leaves Ross and I. Are we a couple? I finally decided I would Skype him to ask him. I went and got my laptop I sat in small Kitchen. I log in to Skype pushing Ross's username. It a little seconds before someone could answer. Then I saw the blonde boy I kissed a few hours ago.

"Hey." We both said to each other in akwardness. This is one the main reason you don't kiss a friend it makes everything akward.

"So.." I began "Ross do you really mean all those things you said?" I blurted out.

"Yes of course I do their is something about you I can't explain. " he rubbed the back of his neck.  "Do you feel the same way."

"Yes." I bit my lip "So what are we now?" I asked him afraid of the answer.

Ross's Pov

"So what are we now?" She asked while bitting her lip.

What are we now? I repeated over and over in my head. I mean we could date but where miles apart now. Or we could just stay the same way we were before friends.

"Let's stay friends." I could see the hurt in her eyes "For now." I added.

"Yea maybe it's best for us. Long distance relationships really don't work ."

I nodded along agreeing to her statement.

"Well I'm going to go eat Ross call me at night like you promised." She smiled.

"Yea love you." I told her.

"Love you too."

And I ended the call bumed that we where still just friends.

a/n short story sorry. I did say there going to be short since this was a filler chapter.

Also I writing a new story a 5 seconds of summer fanatic called My Colorful Neighbor so if you a 5sos fan check it out.

Thank you guys for reading.

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