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A/N: words: 1717. Disclaimer: i have no idea how planes work, or time zones. So that part of the chapter will probably not make sense, but just go with it. Anyways, enjoy!

Sam spun Bucky around their small apartment, an ABBA record playing from the record player. Bucky laughed as his hair brushed across his face. Sam grinned, tucking the hair behind Bucky's ear. The winter had come and gone, now it was almost mid-spring, approaching the start of May. It was nice, they would watch the sun set from the docks, or spend a day at the farmers market.

Bucky still had a lot of time to think, and all that thinking would always lead back to Sam. Right now, as they danced in the living room to Mamma Mia, Bucky couldn't take his eyes, or his mind, off Sam. It was really something, Sam had really taken Bucky's life over, Bucky's world over. It was weird, he couldn't imagine anything without Sam.

Bucky smiled wider, and Sam raised an eyebrow at him. "I'm just happy." Bucky said simply, laying his head on Sam's shoulder. Sam grinned and rested his head against Bucky's. "Yeah, me too."

There they were, swaying to ABBA in the living room of their apartment in Bucharest, like nothing else really mattered at that point. Because nothing did, except for them.

"Hey, what happens if Steve calls you up, says you have to come back, be an avenger?" Bucky asked, worry creeping into his tone. Sam sighed deeply, really thinking about what Bucky just asked. "We'd figure it out, right? Buck I don't- I don't want to leave you that easy. We'd figure it out. We'll get you a phone, maybe." Sam said the last part with a smirk. Bucky scoffed. "I have a phone." Bucky said pointedly. "Yeah, no you don't. That thing, whatever it is, doesn't work. I'll get you a new one, m'kay?" Bucky sighed.

"Whatever." Bucky muttered, and Sam laughed softly, still swaying to the music. The song changed, and Sam's face practically lit up. "Oh god, here we go again." Bucky said with a sigh. "C'mon Buck, it's a great song. It's Waterloo." Sam explained matter-of-factly, to which Bucky just rolled his eyes. "Hmm, it's not their best." Sam scoffed at Bucky's statement. "Wow, ok mister Taylor Swift, then what is their best song?" Sam asked, looking at Bucky expectantly. Bucky was silent for a few seconds, and Sam thought he had a victory. He did not.

"Does your mother know, hands down." Bucky answered, and Sam rolled his eyes. "Ok, yeah, that song is good, but it is not their best. I would've accepted mamma mia, or gimme, gimme, gimme. Even take a chance on me would'e been acceptable." Sam protested, and Bucky shook his head.

"Take a chance on me is acceptable? It is way more than acceptable. My god, Sam." Sam gaped at him. "Why didn't you say it before, then?" Sam questioned. Bucky hesitated, trying to come up with an excuse. "I didn't think of it." Bucky replied. Sam shook his head.

"God, I gotta show you the musical." Sam muttered, and Bucky's face scrunched up, confused. "Musical?" Bucky questioned hesitantly. "Oh, yeah, it's... very difficult to explain. One of these days. It's a great musical." Sam told him, and Bucky nodded. "I'll take your word for it."


A few days later, the 30th of April, they were out by the docks, watching the water flow smoothly. Then, Sam's phone rang. Sam looked down at it curiously, and saw the name at the top. Steve. Sam swallowed down the lump in his throat. "It's Steve." Sam said flatly, mostly to himself. Bucky's face washed with concern. "Oh." Bucky said softly, and Sam answered. "Hey Steve, what's up?" Sam answered, unusually peppy. "Hey, Stark is hosting a party in a couple of days, wondering if you wanted to come down." Steve explained from the other line, and Sam's mouth went open. "I- uh- yeah sure, I'll see if I can make it down." Sam answered, ignoring the guilt that ran through his body. "Great, see ya... may second." Sam nodded. "See you then." Sam hung up the phone.

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