mamma mia

372 23 10

A/N: words: 1534. jfjdsfjdsf. yep. oh fun fact, im going crazy. enjoy!

Sam watched as his surroundings changed. It changed from the desert where Riley fell to a building, where Sam stood, watching Bucky's outstretched metal hand reaching out for him. And just like Riley, he was only there to watch

Sam woke up with a gasp and in a cold sweat, blinking rapidly. It was just a nightmare, he told himself. He glanced at his phone on the nightstand. 7 am. Today was May 2nd, the day of the party. Sam left tomorrow morning, and he couldn't wait another second. He stumbled out of bed, making his way to get ready for the day ahead. Steve said to come around 6, so he now had a full day to be left alone with his thoughts. Delightful.


Bucky sat in his bed, flipping through the pages of his book. God, his apartment felt so... so empty. He felt it. He wondered if Sam was up by now. Bucky couldn't push away the thought, so he set his book down, and reached for his phone.

Buck: hey you up?

Sam: yeah, just woke up around 30mins ago

Buck: i see

Sam: what have you been doing

Buck: absolutely nothing

Sam: glad to see my absence hasnt changed anything

Buck: hilarious

Sam: i know

Buck: anyway, what time is the thing at the tower

Sam: 6ish, so if you got any recommendations to keep me busy, please tell me im bored out of my mind

Buck: alright

Bucky's immediate thought was home, but that wasn't helpful. God did Bucky miss him, it was honestly getting kind of laughable. He laid in his bed for an hour just thinking about Sam, and he didn't know if that was healthy or not.

Sam: jesus, steves calling me. Does he know what time it is

Buck: in fairness, you are up

Sam: well still its like 730

Buck: my god, what type of psycho calls someone at 730 in the morning

Sam: EXACTLY. Anyway, i gotta go buck, love you

Buck: love you doll

Bucky sighed and set his phone down on the bed, leaning back into the pillows with a huff. This was gonna be a long 36 hours. Bucky can't help but think, again, how dependent he seems on Sam. It scares Bucky, because they're not always gonna be glued at the hip, he needs to figure this out. Maybe if he distanced himself a bit, he'll figure it out. Bucky buried his face in his hands.


Steve had invited Sam to take a walk around New York with Nat, and Sam couldn't turn it down. Between Bucky and the nightmare, Sam needed a break from his thoughts. The images still flash in his head as he walks out of his hotel to meet Steve and Natasha. He grabs hold of the stair railing as he's about to walk out the door, and takes a deep breath. He just needs to get his mind off of it. Sam walks over to the door and puts on his flashy smile, pulling the handle.

"Hey Steve, Nat." Sam greeted them, waving his hand. "Hey." Natasha gave him a wave, as did Steve. Maybe this is what he needed.


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