The Achievement

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Amelia was working for her final defence for almost a year. She worked so heard that she could faint. And today is the day. The day she's worked heard for an entire year.

Amelia was getting ready when her elder sister came in and stood by the door.
'What's up sis?' asked Amelia and waited for an answer while tying her brunette hair.
'Mom is mad.' answered Patricia. 'She's mad because I said I'm not going to Germany. ' 'What?' questioned a shocked Amelia. 'You're not going? Why? Your flight is tomorrow. What's wrong Patricia? Tell me come on.' After saying so many things she realized she was getting late. Then she said, 'I'm sorry sis. Can we delay the discussion? I gotta go. I'm almost late.'
'Yeah sure. I'll explain later. Good luck.'
Amelia ran out of home while listening to her mother screaming in the kitchen. She arrived at College just about time.

Well......the final defence. The defence that took place just today. The day Amelia leaves this college. Not gonna happen though. Why? Well, she failed it. Her defence. The one she was preparing for so hard.
Amelia returned home in the afternoon. The first thing she saw arriving home was mother arguing with her sister. The moment she entered the living room her mother asked her about her defence. Amelia felt devastated. She didn't know how to answer her mother. Yet she replied. 'Mom I....failed.' 'What?' screamed her mother. 'Did you just say you failed the defence? Answer me you good for nothing. Tell me right now.',her mother freaked out. Amelia couldn't answer. Her sister looked at her agape and whispered ' Amel failed? Why? I mean how?' Her mother screamed again, 'Get out of this house right now you damn girl. Don't you dare stay another minute. Get out. I don't need another freaking bitch of a daughter.', she cried.

Amelia packed her luggage fast and left home. She was devastated, and frustrated, and all alone. She felt like a loser. After a year worth hard she earned a failure, she fought with her family and left home. What an achievement.

Hello readers, Dee here for you. This is my first story. I'm really eager to know how you feel about the first chapter. I hope you'll enjoy it and give me feedback. I'll continue writing depending on your feedback after all.

Thanks for reading. Enjoy...

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