Before New Beginning

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Amelia's phone rang while she was crossing the road with her luggage. She crossed the road and took her phone out of her pocket. It was Chrissy. Her best friend since high school. Amelia received the call and Chrissy spoke, 'Honey I beat up a guy in campus who said you failed in today's defense.' Amelia was flabbergasted, silent. 

'Honey why aren't you talking? Didn't I do a good job? Now, praise me.', said Chrissy. 'But Chrissy,' Amelia slowly spoke 'I did fail.' 'Whaaaaaaat?',exclaimed Chrissy 'So that jerk really was telling the truth?' 'Yeah', Amelia said 'I guess he did. 'Aaand I fought with my mother and she told me to get out of the house. She was so mad that I couldn't refute and neither could my sister so here I am now standing by the road without anywhere to go.' said Amelia in a breath. 

'Who told you that you got nowhere to go?', Chrissy sounded mad for some reason. 'I am alive and kicking . As long as I am don't you dare say that you got nowhere to go . Send me your address wherever you are and stay right there I'll come pick you up.'

Amelia was lying on Chrissy's bed watching the ceiling. She was busy coming into a conclusion for whatever happened that day. It was one hell of a hectic day. She wasn't confident to start anew anymore until Chrissy and her family gave her some of their mind. So here she is now concluding everything and planning how she should start moving again with all the frustration and everything. 

'May I come in Amel?', it was Chrissy's mother on the door. With Amelia's nod she let herself in and sat across from Amelia. 'Look, sweetie I know my word will not make you feel all good and refreshed but I still came here to talk with you. I thought I should. Do you mind?' 'No, of course', said Amelia 'you can talk auntie. I'm all ears.' 'Okay so', she started 'have you thought about what you're going to do?' 'Yeah. I guess. I'll be continuing this year again and complete my defense by next year. But before that I think I should look for a job and a place to stay.' 'No', said Chrissy's mother Tessa ' you can of course look for a job but not a place to stay. You can stay right here as we have extra rooms and you can think of us as your own family sweetie. No one's gonna think anything about that.' Amelia was shocked. She said, 'No. How can I?' 'Yes you can.' , said Tessa. 'Actually that's what I came to talk to you about. You should stay here. We're going shopping tomorrow. You decide how you're gonna decorate your room. Divert your mind from everything else and you can start school from next monday with Cole, Chrissy's younger brother. That's it. All set. Now can you relax? Smile a bit Amel. You look good when you smile.' , Tessa finished lecturing and left. 

A smile crept in on the corner of Amelia's mouth. She leaned back on the bed and dozed off to sleep. It was a good ending for such a hectic of a day it was. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2021 ⏰

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