Chapter One

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I walk down the hallway of the suicide watch ward, my arms wrapped around my stomach. I didn't want to be here. Especially not while I'm pregnant. I look down at my stomach, which is starting to get bigger. A few tears slip down my face. I should be with Vic right now. He should know I'm carrying his child. But he doesn't know. And he doesn't know where I am. He probably won't want anything to do with me after he finds out I'm in here, and that I'm pregnant with his baby.

I've been in here for two months, and I haven't really talked to any of the doctors in here. What am I meant to tell them? That I tried to kill myself because I'm pregnant with my boyfriends baby? Which no one knows about? That's not exactly something to kill yourself over.

I walk into the rec room and sit down on the couch. There's not really much to do here, there are books, but there's no way I'm going to actually pick one up and read it. There are board games, but, I haven't really talked to anyone in here, , except for my roommate Lisa, so I doubt anyone would want to play a board game with me. So the only thing I could do, is just sit and watch TV.

The TV was playing some show from who knows when called Happy Days. Are they trying to get us in a good mood with the title and the theme song to this? I doubt it, but I wouldn't be surprised.

I looked up as someone said my name. "Here's your meds Kellin." Nurse Hudson said, as she handed me a small plastic white cup. I took it from her and put the pills in my mouth, hiding them under my tongue, so when she asked to check my mouth she won't see them.

Once she check if I had taken them, she moved onto the next patient and I quickly took the pills out of my mouth and shoved them in my pocket, while she wasn't looking. There's no way that I'm actually going to take the pills. They might harm my baby and I don't want that. I rested a hand on my stomach and rubbed round softly.

I wish Vic were here, or that he'd come and get me out of here. I don't belong here. If I never attempted to kill myself, I wouldn't be in this position. I wish I just told Vic when I found out. I rested my head on the arm rest of the couch, and found myself drifting off to sleep, with a hand resting on my stomach.

I woke up to someone shaking my shoulders. I opened my eyes, looking up to see Lisa, standing there. "Hey Kellin." She said. "You alright?"She asked, as she pushed her blonde hair to the side.

"I'm fine." I sighed sitting up. I look around, to see most of the patients going off to their rooms. "Do we have to go back to our rooms?" I asked.

"Yeah." Lisa said. "Come on." She said, helping me up and leading us over to our room. I'm actually glad I share a room with Lisa. She's pretty cool, and honestly, if I were straight, I'd go for her.

The one thing I don't understand about Lisa, is how she ended up in here. She seems normal. Like, she doesn't seem like she's depressed and suicidal, but she been here for eight years so, there's probably something clinically wrong with her. But, I just can't see anything wrong with her to be honest.

Once we got into our room, we quickly changed into our pajamas and layed down in our beds. "You're getting a little chubby Kells." Lisa said, as she looked over at me, and indicated to my stomach.

"Yeah." I sighed, resting a hand on my stomach. "Guess I've just been eating a bit too much." I lied.

"Well, goodnight." She said, rolling over on her bed and switching her lamp off.

I stayed awake for a little while longer, staring at my stomach, while rubbing a hand up and down my small bump. I can't believe there's another life growing inside of me. But, how long till someone starts to notice I'm getting bigger? Lisa's noticed, so more people will start to notice. Then when I start getting morning sickness. People will figure out that I'm pregnant. Then what will happen?

I rolled over into my side, switching my lamp off and falling asleep.


Author's Note: Hey guys! I hope you're enjoying this story so far! :)

Has anyone seen the movie Girl Interrupted? It's kind of an old movie, but it's really cool. It kinda reminds me of thekellinunderthevic's story 1000 Paper Cuts. It's a really good movie, I suggest you check it out! :)

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