Chapter 20: Their Lives

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A/N: Totally skippable chapter! Filler chapter containing TaoYun (Chongyun x Hu Tao) and Xiaonyu (Xiao x Ganyu). Read if you like the ships, or just wanna know how these guys are doing! Fluff before more emo chapters. Also hyes, I'm a Chongy and Xiao main. Ah, how my two evil slaying sons are growing. AHHH *cries tears*

Chongyun POV:

The. Irritation. How was Hu Tao my girlfriend again? She disturbed my calmness so much that she-

"CHONGYUN ITS A SPARROW OMG LOOK." the long brown haired girl pointed excitedly at a bird outside. Sparrows were everywhere. She was probably gonna say something pretty creepy now-

"Look at the woman's spirit behind the pole its sitting on." Yup. There it was. I'd set aside my job as an exorcist for her, just like how she'd set aside her job as a funeral parlour director for me. Still, it was really tempting to go exorcise that spirit.

"Oh, shut up, Hu guî." I groaned as I went back to cooking. Spicy stuff for Hu Tao, cold food for myself.

"Nooo, why don't you ever listennn." she pulled at my arm and pouted. Adorable. A warm feeling crept into my heart, making me feel funny inside.

"You're always saying nonsense! Thats why!" I flicked her forehead. She yelped in pain.

"OW! NO WAY! THATS WAY TOO MEAN!" she pouted again. She rose to my height until her face was super close to me. I shifted around uncomfortably as the heat inside of me grew. A blush crept onto my cheeks, making me feel dizzy. I felt Hu Tao's lips on mine, and for an instant, I felt as if my heart was on fire and exploding. That instant felt like an eternity as she refused to pull away, and for some reason, I did too. We eventually ran out of breath, and she giggled at me, as I clutched my head and fell onto the couch.

"You're so weak for a macho exorcist, Yunyun." she teased. 

"Ahhh, shut up." I frowned as I tried to collect my calm. I felt a body collide against mine as Hu Tao snuggled into my chest.

"HU TAO YOU-" my energies were disturbed, but I felt happy as she continued to embrace me. Her head was buried in my chest as her arms wrapped around my body.

"I what?" she asked teasingly, a smug grin on her face. I raised my hand to my forehead.

"Ugh, I-, ugh." I stroked her dark brown hair as I felt my heart running a mile. "I love you." I whispered.

"Love you too, Yunyun."

Ganyu POV:

I remembered how we were at first. Zhongli had adopted us, and we never got along or talked to each other. We were the polar opposites of one another. He was cold to me, and I thought I'd always be better off without him near me. Why would I think that? Everyone close to Xiao had died. Awful deaths, on top of that. I'd avoided him. In fact, he'd told me to avoid him.

What I hadn't known was how everyone treated him. He was hated, avoided and talked of behind his back. No one bullied him, because they were scared of him. He was so strong that I felt alarmed by it. I felt curious. I felt sympathetic. And after a tooon of hardships, this was where we ended up. Together. On our second date this month.

"You like that plushie? How laughable. It is just a useless doll." was what Xiao had said, but he'd gotten it for me anyway. Now he'd gone to grab some drinks for us.

"Hey missy, you alone? Wanna have some fun?" a group of men approached me as one in a red shirt spoke to me.

"Um-" I was cut off by a hand slamming me against the wall. I let out a small yelp. I didn't want to hurt these men. That wouldn't be nice. But if they hurt me-

"Let her go." Xiao hissed, having returned. The men turned to him.

"Yeah, and what will you do, shortie?" one of them mocked. Uh oh, I thought. Poor choice of words.

"What did you call me?!" Xiao thundered, stepping closer to him, a furious look in his eyes. "Insignificant mortals." he hissed at them. The men laughed.

"She's our prey. Hands off." the man in red spoke. Xiao looked ready to murder them, but held himself back. Probably because of what I'd said to him about violence being a bad thing. He sauntered over to me and held my hand in his.

"She belongs to me." he hissed at them before dragging me with him. I blushed furiously as I stuttered behind him.

"X-x-xiao I-" a crimson shade rose to my cheeks.

"You?" he questioned sternly.

"N-nothing sorry." I apologized. Xiao's gaze softened as his grip on me became gentler.

"No need to apologize. It is I who should be apologizing." he patted my head. He rested his head on my shoulder, and sifted through my blue hair with his fingers.

"Xiao . . ."

He kissed me on my cheek, and then my lips. I felt startled, but I savoured every moment. Xiao was meant for me, as I was meant for him. My heart felt like it would explode as I felt myself tremble.

Suddenly, my thoughts flew to Lumine. I wondered if her obsession with Kazuha had gotten any better. I felt sorry for her.

"Whats wrong?" Xiao put a hand softly on my cheek.

"Nothing. Lets go." I linked my arm through his. I saw Xiao blush a deep red before composing himself again.


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