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Rubia is recommended while reading last 3 parts, starting from this one!

Gorou fixed the dinner as the kids groaned from their seats. Brats. Couldn't they keep quiet, once in a while. He needed to punish them, once in a while. Like no dinner or something. Hmph.

"UNCLE GOROU SO HUNGRY GONNA DIE." the younger twin, Nami spoke. The elder twin, Satoru, nodded. Gorou brought out the dishes and placed them on the table for the brats.

"Here." he muttered in an irritated tone, and sat down on the table across them.

They had features strikingly similar to the features of those two. Nami had her mother's golden eyes and her father's caramel hair, while Satoru looked completely like his father, caramel hair and blue eyes. They looked like a cute fusion of their parents.

"Hey Uncle Gorou, when's papa and mama coming back?" Nami asked. There the question was again. It reminded Gorou of the time when he'd found them.

"You two! What happened?" panic hit Gorou's nerves as he found Lumine and Childe covered in a pile of fresh blood.

"Father wanted to dispose of me since the experiment was over." Lumine spoke weakly. Experiment?! Gorou didn't understand. "Gorou. I killed Kazuha." Lumine confessed. Huh?!

"Stop saying complicated things!" Tears rushed down his eyes. He'd lived with them for years. They couldn't be dying. And what was this? Lumine killed Kazuha? Couldn't be!

"She's saying the truth." Childe muttered. The life was slowly draining out of his eyes.

"Hold on! I'll get help-" Gorou was interrupted by Lumine.

"Its too late for us. Tell Nami and Satoru that papa and mama will be back soon. Okay?" Lumine smiled. Gorou felt like his heart was shattering. He remembered Lumine and Childe playing around with their children. They'd given him the honour of naming the male twin.

"I will." tears fell down his cheeks. First it was Kokomi's rejection. Then Beidou died. Then Ayato died. Then it was the Kamisato family who died. Then, Kazuha and his girlfriend died. And now-

Childe and Lumine were dead.

In their final breath, they bestowed their good friend with the bitter truth and the responsibility of raising their children, of lying to them.

In their last moments, they held their hands together, and looked blissful, as if they were merely going on a stroll along the countryside.

The two lovers, entwined even in death.

"They'll come back soon one day! They promised before they left. Till then, you have me!" Gorou said proudly, pointing to himself.

"You're a bore, Uncle Gorou." Satoru pointed at him. Twitch marks rose on Gorou's forehead.

"WHY YOU!" Laughter filled the house.

And thus, ends this story.

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