The return.

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"Y/N I've missed you so much it's unreal" ransom says sobbing while caressing you
"I've missed you more!" You reply. He puts you down and closes the door he then bends down to say hello to Dodger stroking him behind his ear. You smile and wipe your tears away on your sleeve.
"How did you get out?" You say with a confused look on your face.
"My sentencing was finished remember?"he says chuckling
"Oh yeah, sorry I forgot" you giggle at yourself
You both walk over to the kitchen you put the kettle on to make ransoms favourite hot drink for him. He goes into the pantry and walks out with a packet of his favourite cookies (lotus biscoff cookies) he opens them and starts eating while walking over to the sofa seating himself on the couch. You join him a few moments later giving him his drink then seating yourself next to him.
"Y/N" he says softly
"Yes?" You reply looking deeply into his deep bluish green eyes
"I wanted to apologise for what I did and if I've ever hurt you, yes I'm an asshole to my family but you mean so much to me I don't want to be close to loosing you again, I know how angry you where when you found out what I did,I love you so much you know that" He says while wrapping his arm around you. You smile and blush at what he said
"Ofcorse I was angry at you, but you've finished your time in prison but you need to promise me that you will never do anything like that ever again because you will loose me forever, I love you too" you reply holding his hand rubbing your thumb on his knuckles.
He looks at you and gently places his thumb on your chin and deeply kisses you "I promise"
He kicks off his shoes and you snuggle up to him under a blanket watching the rest of your show and him drinking his drink "perfect" he mumbles after taking a sip, you smile and end up falling asleep on him.
He carries you up to bed an hour later with everything turned off downstairs and Dodger curled up in his bed in your shared room, he gently places you into bed and tucks you in while he takes a shower and a shave he can't bare to see himself with facial hair.
In the morning you wake up to you alone in your bed you panic for a split second and then get Greeted with the smell of french toast and bacon. You put your hair into a messy bun and walk down to the kitchen where you see your muscular shirtless boyfriend making breakfast, you walk up behind him and hug him "morning sleepy head!" He says in his morning voice "morning handsome" you reply
"Im just dishing breakfast up there's a coffee there for you" he says turning around giving you a gentle kiss on the forehead
"Ooo thank you" you pick up the mug and take a sip "SHIT" you shout as your burn your tongue on the hot coffee
"Language" ransom says while dishing up food your you and himself
"Oh shut up" you laugh.

PLEASE GIVE ME FEEDBACK ON THIS! this is my first ever fan fiction so I'm really sorry if it isn't good haha I tried, anyways there will be more chapters and twists ect if you have any ideas that maybe would fit in the story please feel free to comment them 💕

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