Trust me.

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Hi everyone hope you like the story so far just a heads up there is a BIG SMUT warning in this so if you don't like all that feel free to go to the next chapter💞

You wake up in the middle of the night sweating and it feels like your heart is going 90 MPH "it was just a nightmare Y/N calm down" you say to yourself, you try to back to sleep but all you can do is toss and turn eventually waking Ransom up "Y/N what's the matter" he says groggily
"Ive had a nightmare and I can't get back to sleep" you say trying to catch your breath
"Come here it's okay" he pulls you in closer and Caresses you like no other time before you look up at him and he passionately kisses you, this leads to him getting on top of you removing your clothes as he makes out with you first he removes your top feeling your breasts as he kisses your neck, then he takes of your shorts, he moves one hand down and starts teasing you and as you moan in pleasure. Ransoms already shirtless but has his boxers on so you get on top of him and move your way down to reveal his bulge as you play with him he tenses in pleasure and groans for you, he moves you upwards so your practically sitting on it he starts moving you making you grind on him " hey I've never done this before I'm a little scared"
"Dong worry Y/N trust me it's alright" he kisses you and continues to make you ride him.
30 minutes later he is on top of you making you claw at his back then all of a sudden he groans as he came inside of you a few moments later you finish. He gets off and lays next to you as you are both naked cuddling each other  "that was amazing" you say out of breath again
"It sure was" he looks at you and smirks you kiss each other goodnight once more and fall asleep together.

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