01: The Swipe

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    "Y/N! I'm home!" Your boyfriend, Shrek, closes the door of your apartment and sits his bag on the kitchen table. You quickly exit out of tinder and slam your phone on the table in fear. Shrek looks at you in confusion, but says nothing about it.
    "Uh... how was your day, Shrek?" You ask as the ogre takes a bite out of an onion.
    "It was great." He belches stanky air out of his mouth, you try your best to suppress your disgusted expression.
    Despite your visible discomfort, the green man caresses your hand with his onion covered fingers.
    "Shrek I-I really n-need to go." You'd stutter out in a hurry, grasping your phone and clutching your purse in your hand. You slam the apartment door and climb into your car, tears fill your eyes as you desperately reach for the hand sanitizer on your dashboard.
    You've barely spent a year in this terrible relationship, but it's so traumatizing for you. In three days marks your 1 year anniversary, and this is the first time you've ever escaped the house without Shrek.
    Just then, the door slams against the exterior of the building you've been renting. "Speak of the devil..." you mutter under your breath.
   "Y/N! GET BACK HERE!" Shrek screams after you, but you're already half way down the road.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2021 ⏰

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