part 1 - Good to be Bad

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Main six

Main six

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new six

new six

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Harry Hook; Auradon, it's pretty ain't it? Im Harry, son of Captain Hook and this is meh home. It wasn't always, I was born on tha' isle of the lost, where all of tha' villains had been banished, locked away fer good. That is until three and a half years ago, when the then Prince Beasty boy made a royal proclamation, declaring that the children of these villains should 'ave a chance. And so he invited six villain kids to Auradon, including meh and my best mate Gil, you know him as the son of Gaston. Long story short, Beasty is king now, I have the most amazing girlfriend I could ever ask fer, and we, the original six vks, are headin' back ta the isle to announce the new six villain kids, and hopefully many more after that.

Finale - Rewrite - Part of your world - Harry Hook x readerWhere stories live. Discover now