Part 11 - resolved problems

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outfits; Mal, Hadie, Audrey, Ben, (y/n)

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outfits; Mal, Hadie, Audrey, Ben, (y/n)

outfits; Mal, Hadie, Audrey, Ben, (y/n)

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Mal woke up at 6;30 am on the dot as she received a call from Ben, Hades had been picked up and was less than an hour away from Auradon prep. Mal thanked the universe for having Evie's place only be a couple of miles away from the dorm building. She threw on a comfortable pair of dark grey jeans, a purple button-up, and one of Ben's jackets she had stolen a while back. She shoved on her purple converse and ran out of the house with the ember gripped tightly in her hand. She turned to purple smoke and her dragon form ascended into the sky, quickly making her way to the dorms.

Mal transformed back to her human (or less than human form thanks to her recent transformation into a demi-god) mid-air and dropped to the ground, rolling as she landed and jumping over the steps into the dorms.

With a couple turns and going up a flight of stairs, she made it to Audrey's private room and took a couple deep breaths, she opened it and nodded as she saw Ben and (y/n) standing in front of Audrey's bed, and bowed a bit as she saw Aurora and Phillip on either side of their daughter. "Queen Aurora, King Phillip" Mal greeted politely, calmly closing the door behind her and walking over to Ben "don't worry, we will fix her up quickly and it will be like this never happened" Aurora nodded, trusting Mal as Phillip laid his hand on his daughter's forehead.

Finale - Rewrite - Part of your world - Harry Hook x readerWhere stories live. Discover now