Epilogue - Closing the book

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(Harry in the gif; That's a wrap!)

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(Harry in the gif; That's a wrap!)


You and Harry walked on the moonlit beach, hours after the anniversary party had started it was still going; somehow the isle kids had so much energy they just kept going, and their energy kept the Auradon kids going as well. But you and Harry decided it was time to dip and now walked along the shore outside your neighborhood.

You swung your intertwined hands as the two of you just talked; about what? there was no particular thing. About your home, about Auradon, about the isle, about your pasts, about the party. Really, there was no singular topic; and you liked it that way, it meant the conversation never got stale.

Soon Harry went quiet, letting you fill the silence with your soft humming. "what if we rewrite the stars, say you were made to be mine~" you sang softly, looking up at the moon, as Harry stared at you with loving eyes.

"hey, lass?" Harry asked in a quiet voice, you just hummed to show you were listening "do yeh ever miss yer world...yer real one? With yer parents, friends, family n all that?" Harry sounded so unsure of himself, but this question had been popping up in his mind for the past couple of years, wondering if you ever regretted not trying to go home.

"I do, sometimes." You started, furrowing your brows a bit "but-I don't regret being here." You looked at him and smiled, squeezing his hand "I love everything here, the magic, my friends, you" Harry flushed at that "I don't regret being here one bit, and I never will"

Harry felt his eyes burn with tears and he leaned in to kiss you; you hummed happily and kissed back eagerly. Harry pulled back and whispered out; "I love yeh"

"I love you too" you chuckled, wrapping your arm around his torso and holding onto the hand that was around your shoulders as you and Harry walked down the beach.


Once upon a time; there was a girl. A girl from one world who fell into another, and fell in love with what she saw. She had hundreds of adventures and found her happily ever after in a boy named Harry Hook.

She never regretted a thing as she grew into her old age, never regretted not trying to go home, never regretted her love.

Her happily ever after was Part of this world.

Her happily ever after was Part of this world

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THANK YOU FOR READING~!!!! next up in my big projects; Part of your world 2.0!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Finale - Rewrite - Part of your world - Harry Hook x readerWhere stories live. Discover now