Chapter 3

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Stepping outside of the Winchesters building was like a relief to his system. The further away he got the more he felt himself relax of the tension he hadn't known he was carrying. Screw Dean for making him so tense. Reaching the car and unlocking it, climbing inside and then pulling out of the car park was an even bigger relief. The Winchester building no longer in sight made Castiel smile. "Goodbye, Dean fucking Winchester," Castiel said out loud into the car, turning on the radio and blasting Luke Bryan that's my kind of knight through the cars speakers. He couldn't stop the thoughts from appearing though, the images of Dean and that towel slipping into his errant mind. The way the water had trickled down his muscular body and the way they had stretched and pulled as he dried his hair. And those lips, oh god those perfect plum sculptured lips had Castiel panting for the feel of them on his body. Castiel momentarily was snapped out of his daze from the change of song, his breathing now coming out as a heavy pant, his manhood half way to an erecting again. It annoyed Castiel that after moments of meeting Dean, he had that effect on him already. Driving him insane with those deep endless fields of green eyes that he could get lost in.

Arriving at his apartment, Castiel turned off the car and stepped out. Taking the things with him as he began walking towards the apartment door. He got as far as the door when it burst open with a very excited Charlie squealing at him. Her arms engulfing him while bouncing on her feet. Castiel was chuckling as he patted her on the back. "Alright Charlie you can let me go now," he said, looking around at the weird glances they were getting from people walking past.

"Sorry Cassie, come on in I want to hear all about this," she said, letting him pass so that he could come inside.

"Thank you" Cas replies, entering his home and placing the car keys, recorder and the sheet of paper on the coffee table. He didn't want to tell her anything about the interview or Dean. He was afraid she'd see straight past him and that she'd find out that Castiel still felt something for the annoying Winchester. But reluctantly gave her a stare as he sat down on the sofa.

"So what was he like? Did he recognize you? Was he as cold hearted as people say he is? What about his eyes, are they deep lustful green?" Charlie asked, not stopping to allow Castiel to answer.

She continued, but Castiel wasn't listening for there was one question she had asked that hadn't left his mind. Had he recognized me? What did that mean? Did Charlie know that it had been Dean Winchester all this time and that was why she hadn't told me anything about him? It was no surprise that people knew about what had happened in elementary school but to go behind his back and send him to Dean of all people was a big time low for Castiel.

"Cassie are you listening to me?" Charlie said, sounding frustrated as she interrupted his thoughts.

"You knew" was all Castiel said back, hurt evident in his voice.

"Knew what?" Charlie said, a slight frown on her face.

"You knew that it was Dean Winchester which is why you didn't say anything for. How could you Charlie! After knowing the humiliation I had suffered when I was younger you go behind my back and lie about a family affair so that you could make me go to this interview knowing that I'd see Dean Winchester" Castiel shouted, rising from the sofa to start pacing in front of her. His hands scrunching up in his messed up hair. He wanted to scream, to run, to punch something he was that angry. In fact, he was fuming.

"I'm sorry Cassie, I didn't know you felt that way," Charlie said, standing up and placing her arms on his shoulders.

"Get off me, I'm going to my room" Cas snapped, storming off towards his bedroom. Slamming his door shut and climbing into bed. He didn't want to be anywhere near Charlie. He was overreacting wasn't he? I mean it was good to see Dean and also he'd rather have never seen him again. All he could think about was his face, his eyes and those fucking lips all over him. Castiel screamed into his pillow with frustration. It went on like this for ages until he tired himself enough that he fell asleep.

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