Chapter 13

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It was the day after yesterday, the day that Dean was supposed to have gone around Castiel's to tell him the problem, but instead he had spent the entire day sat in front of the TV screen watching bad crappy television. That and drinking booze. His brother Sam had tried everything in his will power to get Dean to confess to Cas, but nothing seemed to have worked. He had left for work, leaving Dean alone. Dean knew he was being an idiot and that he should have gone round to say something at least but it was like every time he tried, his brain would come up with some excuse to make him stay. He was locked in the house, the empty house.

It was now the morning and as far as Dean was concerned, it was still the same day as yesterday. He was still sat on the couch, he was still wearing his grey jogger pants and sweatshirt, bottles of booze scattered the floor surrounding him in filth. Dean didn't care, nothing mattered to him now that Cas had finished with him. He couldn't see straight, he couldn't see a future all he could see was a blank space. He wondered if this was how a broken heart felt, he had been in this situation before but it wasn't like this, this was torture. The TV had cut off late last night, Dean was staring at a blank screen, his reflection bouncing back to him, taunting him.

"What have you become Dean? The strong one, the one that is supposed to be tougher than this. What have you become?" it kept saying to him, chanting the words. And he would reply over and over with the same words, "I don't know, I don't know". 

He wanted it to be over, the pain was too much. Sighing, he began to reach for the bottle at the right side of him. Picking it up and bringing it to his mouth, sloshing booze in the process. It wasn't nice, tears kept streaming down his cheek, coating his lips with a salty mixture mixed in with the taste of alcohol. He couldn't stop as the burning sensation passed his throat, it was a drug to keep the pain away. He wasn't the Dean he knew, he didn't care. He was getting tired again as his eyes began to droop, his hand relaxing causing the bottle to slip from his fingers and crash to the ground. Shattering, he didn't care as passed out, leaving the sloshing of the alcohol and the shards of glass on the floor.


Castiel hadn't slept well last night, he kept dreaming of Dean and every time he would wake up, he'd cry. This was the reason Cas had promised to stay away from the Winchester, for this same reason of being heartbroken. The Winchesters always broke your heart and he should have known that. He did...he just hadn't cared. Castiel had promised to go back to normal last night, and that was what he planned to do today. Wiping the tears from his eyes, Cas got up out of bed to walk into his bathroom. Shaving, brushing his teeth and sorting his hair out made him feel awake and alive, unlike the past day. He knew he was taking things fast, but it was the only way for him to be distracted. It wouldn't do to cry and spend hours in bed. Like Charlie had said, doing things will prevent himself from thinking. And so that was what he planned to do, distract himself at work and forget about Dean.

Castiel left his bedroom once dressed in plain black pants and a shirt to be greeted by Charlie sat on the couch eating breakfast. Cas wasn't in the mood to complain about her eating in the living room, he was too tired.

"Morning Cassie, how you feeling?" Charlie asked, leaning back and looking up from the couch to stare at him in the kitchen.

Cas shrugged, "I'm okay...was thinking of going to my parents for two weeks " he was mumbling, he knew he was as he picked away at the bread he was supposed to be making a sandwich out of. He didn't feel hungry.

Charlie sat up, shock evident on her face. "Is that wise Castiel? I mean your parents don't know...your brothers do..." Charlie was saying, panic in her voice.

Cas shrugged, "I'll just say I broke up with my girlfriend if they ask which they won't. My brothers, on the other hand, I can deal with. "He said, looking up from the bread to stare at Charlies back. "I've lived with them all my life, I know how to handle them" he muttered.

Charlie sighed, getting up and walking into her bedroom without a single comment.

Cas groaned but left the house to head to work, he couldn't deal with Charlie and he hoped Dean would stay away until he had left for his parents. If God truly cared, he would listen and let him leave. He begged to get away just for the two weeks to clear his head and mend his heart. He wasn't even sure if he was being an idiot or if what he had said to Dean was genuine enough to break up. Enough of this Castiel, you don't want to be in a one-sided relationship he was saying to himself as he walked towards the library. He had yet to quit, but he just couldn't pull himself to do it.


"Dean...Dean wake up! Dean! "Sam was shouting as he shook his brother's shoulders. He was starting to become frantic with panic, he wasn't moving. Sam had come home late last night, seeing his brother still sat in front of the TV had nearly broken him completely. He had managed to wrap him up in a blanket before he had left his room. He had been sleeping before the sound of something shattering on the floor had woken him. Coming into the living room and seeing Dean passed out, booze stains on his sweatshirt and the bottle smashed on the floor had once again nearly broke Sam. He had never seen his brother like this before, it had always been the other way around. Dean was strong, always had been and to see him this broken was like staring at a stranger. It scared him.

Dean was stirring, he could hear Sammy shouting his name. It felt like it was coming from a mile away, like he was swimming. He tried to open his eyes, but they were so heavy it was impossible. His speech was slurred as he tried to call out for his brother. It hurt to swallow, he felt like crap.

"Dean... it's okay" Sam was saying as he tried to make his brother drink the water, Sam at that moment had promised he'd take care of his brother and snap him out of this hell pit he had found himself in. First he had to get his brother to talk and open his eyes. "Dean can you open your eyes please," Sam said, urging his big brother on.

Dean tried to open his eyes, each time failing before he was able to finally open them. The living room was dimmed so the lighting wouldn't hurt his eyes. It was times like these that he was happy he had a brother like Sammy.

"Sa-sa-sammy" Dean slurred, stuttering over the words.

"It's okay, I'm here" Sam cooed, wetting Dean's forehead and helping him to his feet. Dean needed his bed and proper rest.

"Get some rest, I'll be in the living room and I'll keep checking on you. No more booze for you though" Sam was saying as he lay him down on the bed, pulling the cover over him. He took one more glance before leaving the room to clean up the mess that Dean had created in the living room. Starting with the shards of glass and the alcohol spillages. He then cleared away every bottle of booze in the house so that Dean would sober up. Sam needed to sober him, sit him down and talk to him. He was putting himself through all this pain and yet all he needed to do was to talk to Cas, it was frustrating. He needed to talk to Charlie.

Meet me at Rollers in 15 minutes ASAP! —Sam

He texted, hoping she would receive it as he continued to clean all the drink away so that the living room looked clean again. As he grabbed for his coat to leave the house, his phone buzzed.

I was just about to text you, you big Moose face. I'll be there in 5 x —Code Red

Sam laughed at the name of the text, Code Red. Trust Charlie to think of something like that in desperate times. He left the apartment to head towards Rollers.

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