Phyical Favorites

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Golden Era

Hermione doesn't exactly have a favorite. Not that she'd admit it, but in all honesty she just can't choose. Each time you ask her she'd either change the subject, have a whole debate on which part of you she likes best — which would end up in her just talking to herself — or she'd end up choosing. If she did end up choosing, it'd be your hands. She likes the way the fit perfectly in her own and how she could just fiddle with them for hours in class.

Ginny was definitely confident about her answer, though it wasn't exactly the best way of putting it. With a smile on her face, she'd say 'your boobs' no regret in her features as she said it. If you tell her to be serious and actually answer, she'd think on it for a second. She'd choose your belly. Especially if it was soft and squishy, she liked the texture not matter what for sure. She'd wash away any insecurities you have about it before simply shoving her face into it and blowing hard, ruining the whole moment.

She likes your arms. The way you wrap them around her made her feel special and safe. She really liked it when you would wrap your arms around her while you cuddled or slept. Just the feeling of you holding her made her feel safe and sound away from the hatred of the world around you.

She'd definitely choose your eyes with confidence. She likes how the color matches you and your personality. No matter the color she absolutely adored them and to be honest, she could and most likely would stare into or at them for hours if she had the time, which she would probably make just to stare at you and them.

She wouldn't tell you to be honest, she'd definitely keep it to herself no matter how much you'd beg her, no words would come out because she thinks it's embarrassing but she adores your hair. She absolutely loved the way it looked and felt. She would love it when you let her do or brush it.

Marauder Era

They'd say your cheeks for sure. Being able to squish them was one of their favorite things to do and they had no shame when they would randomly squish them infront of people. They also really liked kissing them which you didn't really mind.

To your surprise, she didn't choose. She'd say all of you and would leave the conversation at that. She knew that all of you was hers and that was all that mattered in her mind. She couldn't choose and wouldn't and that was that.

She'd have to say your fingers. Not in that kind of way though- but just playing with them in class or kissing the tips of them. She's the type that usually likes to compare your hands before slipping your fingers in her own and holding your hand.

She would 100% say your smile. She loves when you would smile, with or without your teeth but really loves it when you smile with you teeth.

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