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Giving: not meaning to do it, she would certainly freak out trying to get rid of it while you sat there unfazed. It didn't really bother you because you could always find something to cover it up, not that you really wanted to but still did by her request.

Receiving: she wouldn't be happy that's for sure. Scolding you every five seconds as she looked for something to remove or cover it up with even if you didn't mean to do it. She would be very embarrassed when someone would make a comment on it even though she was positive she hid it well.

Giving: whether or not you were freaking out, Ginny would be unfazed. She'd be almost proud of herself and would most definitely try to convince you not to hide it and let everyone see it.

Receiving: she'd definitely be the same as giving. In fact, she'd wear a more exposing top just to let people see it more clearly. She had no shame and would sometimes point it out to others.

Giving: She'd apologize for leaving a mark but wouldn't actually be sorry. If you wanted to hide it she'd help you try to remove or hide it but if you didn't mind she'd be slightly more happy than you hiding it.

Receiving: she'd be surprised at the first, not really knowing how to react before blaming the Nargals on your behavior. She wouldn't really try to hide it but would definitely not keep it in plain sight but would wear her regular clothes though.

Giving: She wouldn't apologize, she thought she had no reason to. It was her making sure no one else would take you from her and also her showing her love to you. She would definitely try to convince you not to hide it, even after the million times you told her you wouldn't.

Receiving: pictures. She had a small pamplet of pictures of hickeys and other small markings you had made, She liked each and every one too. She would refuse to hide it and would let the whole world see if she could, but she'd never point it out and make a scene about it.

Giving: If you were freaking out, Pansy wouldn't know what was wrong with you. She would have this smirk on her face as you tried to look at it, making small smart comments on how she thought it was pretty color or how it looked good on you. She would try to force you to not try and hide it, almost always being successful.

Receiving: oh, she made it seem like it was the end of the world. She would scold you non-stop while she threw things at you, trying to find something to cover it up with. She actually didn't really mind, it was just the sly comments both you and other people made that made her freak out slightly.

Marauder Era

Giving: like Luna, they would apologize but wouldn't actually be sorry. They would definitely not help to find something to cover it up because they didn't want you to cover it up. So, they'd just watch you run around freaking out while they tried to convince you not worry and that it looked really nice on you.

Receiving: once they saw it the grin on their face would grow two times bigger from when you told them about it. They would shamelessly keep it uncovered and told people in detail how they received it while you just stood there like a tomato.

Giving: it would not be on accident no matter how many times she would tell you it was. She'd have a guilty look on her face but deep down, she would be grinning and smirking her face off. And that she did after you just accepted it and once you did, she was definitely cocky about. Smirking at anyone she knew noticed and occasionally making it more visible without you knowing.

Receiving: she loved the idea of hickeys and would love when you gave them to her. It showed that she was yours and would make any man or woman back off. She wore very open clothing to make sure people saw the beautiful art work on her body.

Giving: she was 50/50 with the situation. She would be sorry but at the same time she wouldn't be. She like to call it her love in "art" form, but instead on paper it would be on your body. She had no shame of you not covering it up but wouldn't mind if you did.

Receiving: she wouldn't know how to react at first before deciding she was upset about it. She would try to find ways to cover it up with your help but failed miserably at doing so. She would scold you for hours before deciding that she liked the way the purple looked on her pale skin.

Giving: like narcissa, it would be 50/50 with her. Though her apologies would be more sincere, she wouldn't be as sorry as she tells you she is. She do whatever you wanted to, help you hide it or eye roll when one of your many friends would comment on it or tease you about it.

Receiving: she would be very embarrassed. She would scold you as you helped her hide it and would go full out flustered when somebody would stare at her in question for too long. After a few days of it being there she would grow to accept it but would still be flustered by it.

Hello my dear children, I am back and better than ever😏 I had to take a small mental and physical break for a bit but I should be back for a while now so expect some more chapters from all of my books

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