"Boing Boing" Council

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A/n: I had another dream with IRyS. But not only IRyS, I also dreamnt of The HoloCouncil, Or the HoloEN next gen "Boing boing council".

A/n: I said Short story. So I'll try to end it.

3rd POV

Weeks have passed. And They both got to know more of each other.

For IRyS. She learned that he can't die under any shape or form. When this was revealed, Fandoms called him an Ajin: Demi-Human. He also had two Fishing rods made as Grappling rods, And I quote "Who has Fishing rods as Grappling hooks"

For Y/n. He learned alot more on some of her basics, and as a Nephilim.

Last week. They met the HoloCouncil, Aka, The "Boing Boing" council. Poor Gura and Ina, No new ones to introduce into the Pettan Club.

The most eager to learn about Y/n was Mother Nature and Chaos Incarnate, Ceres Fauna and Hakos Baelz.

For Fauna. She wondered if Y/n was still considered as part of the Human race due to being an Ajin. Mother needs to know her 'Child', Whatever that means

For Baelz. She was eager to test what can kill him. During a Council meeting, She brought up the topic. Here's how that went.

Council Meeting

Baelz: Oh by the way. Ever met Storm? The Undying Demi-Human.

Fauna: Oh the Ajin. Yeah I met him. A Nice Boy.

Kronii: Oh him. I know him. I've always wondered how his Revival works. Maybe a Time Loop, I have to know his secret to Young Age and Time Looping. Even I, A Time lord don't know how to start a Loop.

Mumei: Storm? I've heard that name in Ancient times. Even legends saying, "The Man who just won't die".

Baelz: I asked him how his Repeating Life works. He said "I come back with a Lightning strike".

Kronii: Objection. How can a Lightning strike revive him?

Fauna: I wondered that myself. I can sense every strike on the ground, Never have I felt his.

Baelz: Hey Sana? Why aren't you saying anyrhing.

Sana: I did some digging while you four were talking.

Baelz: Out with it. I wanna know what can kill him.

Sana: You'll be disappointed. I found nothing.

Balez: What? You're telling me. A Human, now a Demi-Human, has the power to return to life from any shape or form of Dying.

Sana: Yes.

Mumei: I saw his name on my list. From the Roman Empire, to Modern Age. He is, without a doubt, Unkillable.

Kronii: I personally object. Hey Fauna, Baelz.

Both: Yes?

Kronii: You both talked to him, Right? then call him.

Baelz: Why?

Fauna: Alright.

Lightning started to strike the areas as it also started Raining.

Fauna: He said He's coming. Expect a Thunderstorm.

Mumei: I can already see it.

A lightning strike marked a circle near the ground. And a Large bolt struck the middle, There appears Y/n, Or Storm forming within the bolt.

Y/n: *wipes off dust* Woo. You need something Fauna?

Fauna: Kronii wanted to see you.

Y/n: *turns to her* And what does the Warden of Time want with the Demi-Human?

Kronii: Kill yourself.

That was unexpected

Y/n: I beg your pardon?

Kronii: Prove you revival with a Lightning strike. I don't believe it, other than Time reversing the damage.

Mumei: Actually, I too wanna know.

Baelz: Yeah, Show us.

Y/n: Fine.

He took out a.....Live Hand Grenade, pulled the pin, and swallowed it.

Y/n: Take cover. Fire in the Hole.

The girls went to cover as Y/n exploded from the inside, all that was remains was Guts and an arm.

Kronii: Bleh.

A lightning storm singed the remains, and Y/n respawned.

Y/n: Going out with a Bang. Prove anything Kronii.

Kronii: Time reversal.

She used Time to rewind his body back to nothing. As she waited a few seconds, Another Strike and Y/n was there, unharmed.

Y/n: Easy there girl. Don't reverse me enough to call you Mama.

Kronii: Whhyyy!!

She accelerated Time for him as he aged older until all that's left was dust. And as the other girls expected, He came back, unharmed.

Y/n: Now don't use that. Don't want me to call you Kronii-chan.

Kronii: Alright, I give up. 

Y/n: Oookaaayyy. *to the others* So why you  girls called?

Mumei: We just wanted to know how you're supposed immortality works. Guess Time is not it.

Y/n: I had my theories on what it is. I just gave up long ago, Can't find anything that can kill me.

Sana: How many tries so far.

Y/n: Way more than I count. And tested way more Ideas. Crushed, Decapitated, Stabbed Heart, Fall damage, Explosives.

Bae: Have you tried Fire?

Y/n: Fire from long ago wasn't potent and quick. I want it to be quick, and preferabbly painless.

Bae: What about Kiara-senpai?

Y/n: Haven't tried. Might aswell.

Mumei: What about suffocation?

Y/n: I have no clue where to do that. And I can't just ask someone normal to do that for me, That's sus.

Sana: Wanna try it later?

Y/n: Depends on how.

Sana: I have ideas.

Y/n: I'll meet you at 5pm.

He soon left. Leaving the Council, distracted by their thoughts.

Mumei: If he can't die. Why can't I sense it, He is part of Humanity.

Kronii: *recovered* Time affects things permanently. And I was wrong.


Sana and Y/n met up. And Her Idea of "suffocation" wasn't in his Mind.

It turns out. Her Idea of suffocation was being sandwiched by her Thighs, and blocking the airways.

He realized why some people wanted this. It was good, till he died. And when Sana released him, His body electrified before he stood back up like nothing happened.

Y/n: A Good way to die. But didn't work.

Sana: Oh man. Thought that would work. How about another way?

Y/n: If you're "other way" is being suffocated by your boing boings. Then forget it.

Sana: Oh man.

Y/n: See you later Sana.

A/n: Not gonna lie. From about a Month of Hiatus, The words I type just shouts Cringe at me. I am losing my knowledge at writing.

I am probably gonna discontinue this book out of Lack of Ideas, Failure to think of how to progress, and Cringe.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2021 ⏰

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