11: Deal

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In the previous chapter:

"The guy who killed two people in my village today.... I think you like to call him... Finn?" Lexa said looking back at Clarke, an evil smirk in her lips like she wanted to provoke something from the girl, a reaction, and oh she did.


Lexa's pov:

"YOU WANT  W H A T?!" Clarke snapped.

"I think you heard me quite well Clarke" I said calmly.

"WE ARE NOT GONNA SELL OUR FRIEND I-" Clarke was cut off by y/n, who grabbed her by the arm. They shared a hard glance before y/n looked back at me.

"Excuse us for a second Commander" And with that she left with an angry Clarke leaving me alone in my tent.

I'm not gonna lie and say that I didn't say that on purpose, because I did. I've been seeing- well, my guards anyway saw Clarke and Finn a little too close to be only friends. I just want the best for y/n and seeing as Clarke is probably cheating on her, the best for y/n is ME. If I kill Finn, maybe Clarke will confess or do something that exposes her lies which would be amazing since they would break up, and maybe I'll have a bigger chance at y/n.

My thoughts were cut short by y/n entering the tent. Alone. A smirk spread up to my face when I noticed the last fact.

"Why do you want Finn?" She asked eyeing me up and down, like she's trying to find something, and answer.

"I already told you, he killed to people in one of my villages" I said serious.

"You and I both know that's not true" She replied before stepping a little closer.

"And why is that?" I stood my place.

"If you really wanted to make him pay then he would be dead by now, along side with everyone within the walls of Arkadia" She took another step and this time I did walk one step back too.

"I'm merciful y/n, that's why you're not dead" I said as she took another step, a smirk plastered in her face. She looked at me with her y/e/c eyes, I felt naked, vulnerable. I stepped back again, but this time I'm met with the table. Skrish (shit). She positioned herself so that she was leaning into me, our faces only inches apart and I had to fight the urge of kissing her pink lips, but the memories of last time were not helping my case.

"You sure it's about that?" She asked raising a single eyebrow at me. I swallowed the lump in my throat but didn't answer.

"What Commander? Did the mouse eat your tongue?" She asked getting even closer if possible. I cleared my throat again before letting out a little shy 'no'.

"Then answer me" She demanded. Seeing I wasn't at the task of answering her she continued, "Then kill me" She tilted her head to the side and I almost gasped.

"N-no" I said punching myself in my mind for sounding so weak.

"And why's that?" Without a warning my eyes fell to her lips as I licked mine, my brain clearly not working at the moment. I closed my eyes as I felt her leg make it's way in between mine making a little pressure in my center, before I could stop it an inaudible moan came out from the back of my throat. Nobody would've noticed, but y/n fucking y/l/n did.

"Did you just moan Commander?" She asked and even though I had my eyes closed I could feel her smirking at me and a blush made it's way up to my cheeks.

"Why are you blushing? Are you embarrassed Commander?" She whispered in my ear.

"I-" Before I could finish the voice of one of my guards caught my attention.

The girl in the ground {LexaxYou}Where stories live. Discover now