Last Rites

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We packed and got ready to leave.

"Why are we leaving? Where are we going? What is going on?"

"Things are strange, I don't know and I don't know either"

"Isn't it still not allowed to go out?"

"Allowed or not, it is better to risk getting shot than dying here"

"What about the girl on the upper floor, what was her name again?"

"Annah, come on, Jane, we are going to get her and get the hell out of here"

Jane then grabs my arm.

"Will you at least tell me what happened, or at the very least tell me why we have to leave?"

"I can't quite explain it, people out there are eating one another!"

"We know that already, apparently people are taking too much drugs"

"I killed someone Jane! Okay? I didn't mean to, but it happened."

"What? Who? Why? How?"

"It was a woman, she grabbed me and tried to bite me, I only pushed her off of me and she fell down the stairs"

"Oh geez, I..." she starts to say, but is left speechless.

I grab her by the hand and open the door.

The corpse is still there, rotting on the floor. Not like it would magically disappear.

We awkwardly stepped over it

"is that her?"

"Yes, now be quiet"

"But who is the man next to her?"

"I said, be quiet"

We walked up the stairs and I knocked on Annah's door, making sure that the knocking is rhythmic so that it doesn't sound like the one the other people did.

I hear her peek through the spyglass and she opens the door, letting us in.

"I expected her to be... older" Jane says

Annah doesn't say anything.

"Come on, Annah, pack your things, your clothes, your pills, anything you might need, we gotta go" I said straightforwardly

She nodded awkwardly as she packed her things.

I grabbed Jane's hand and Jane grabbed Annah's who was grabbing a small suitcase we ran down the stairs avoiding contact with any of the people here.

The street are in peril, there are people rioting about their right to work and be outside.

We try to pass by the horde of people screaming and burning buildings down.

The municipality has fallen. The CDC withdraw.

In the middle of the city flies a military aircraft, it is from the kind of aircraft that may carry bombs. I know that well.

Then a bomb did fall in the middle of the city, luckily we were on the edge of the city, otherwise we would need someone to sing our last rites.

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